Hello all,

Thank you very much.

I now count 7 Yes votes, and no negative votes.
I will integrate the modifications.


Pat Riva
Acting University Librarian / Bibliothécaire en chef par intérim
Concordia University / Université Concordia
1455 de Maisonneuve West, LB-331
Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8

From: Crm-sig <crm-sig-boun...@ics.forth.gr> on behalf of Pat Riva via Crm-sig 
Sent: April 28, 2022 12:29 AM
To: CRM-SIG <crm-sig@ics.forth.gr>
Subject: Re: [Crm-sig] Call for e-vote: LRMoo, F56 Externalization Event

For this e-vote that was supposed to close on April 27, I only have 4 votes 
(between votes directly received and on the list). It would be better to have a 
few more votes, and so I am extending the voting period to May 4.

We very much appreciate everyone taking the time to vote on so many e-votes!
We're getting so very close to a stable draft of LRMoo.

Thanks, Pat

Pat Riva
Acting University Librarian / Bibliothécaire en chef par intérim
Concordia University / Université Concordia
1455 de Maisonneuve West, LB-331
Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8

From: Crm-sig <crm-sig-boun...@ics.forth.gr> on behalf of Pat Riva via Crm-sig 
Sent: April 20, 2022 11:57 PM
To: CRM-SIG <crm-sig@ics.forth.gr>
Subject: [Crm-sig] Call for e-vote: LRMoo, F56 Externalization Event

Hello all,

Continuing the series of LRMoo e-votes relating to topics previously discussed 
at SIG meetings but not voted on. This discussion was held during the October 
2021 SIG without a formal vote, but there seemed to be consensus.

Proposal: Deprecate the class F56 Externalization Event, and its property Rnn 
was remembered in (is memory of).

Remark on status: F56 was approved, but only in LRMoo and so has never been 

Rnn was never fully approved or numbered. Its superproperty is not determined 
and none of the examples previously proposed have been approved.

Thus, it may not be quite correct to say these are being deprecated, rather 
they are being withdrawn?

Reasoning: F56 was conceived as a node to bring together the classes F28 
Expression Creation and F31 Performance and express their generalization. This 
is not essential as, eventually, both classes do meet at E7 Activity. The only 
property of F56 is the (incomplete) Rnn which only expresses a generalization 
of the R17 property linking an expression creation to an expression.

If you agree, vote Yes. If you disagree vote No, preferably with an explanation.

To refer the discussion to a future SIG meeting, vote VETO.

Please vote by April 27, at which point I will summarize for the list.

If yes, these editorial modifications also follow:

  *   Changing superclass of F31 Performance back to E7 Activity (the 
superclass as it was in FRBRoo v.2.4).

  *   Removing F56 from the list of superclasses of F28 Expression Creation, 
leaving E12 Production and E65 Creation.

  *   Removing Rnn as the superproperty of R17 created (was created by) [D: 
F28; R: F2], leaving just P94 has created (was created by) [D: E65; R: E28] as 
the superproperty.

For reference, the latest versions of the definitions of F56 and Rnn:

F56 Externalization Event

Subclass of: E7 Activity

Superclass of: F28 Expression Creation

F31 Performance

Scope note: This class comprises activities that produce signs or sensory 
impressions as organized and complete wholes, typically intended to be 
received, in this completeness, by some audience, either directly via their 
senses or via persistent media at some later time. It comprises in particular 
novel externalizations of thought – art in all forms – including rendering 
existing expressions such as musical scores, theatre plays, scripts or texts, 
in a particular manner, including through the performing arts, writing or other 
methods of externalization.


  *   the creation of the original manuscript score ‘Uwertura tragicna’ by 
Andrej Panufnik in Warsaw (F28)

  *   the reconstruction from memory of the manuscript score ‘Uwertura 
tragicna’ by Andrej Panufnik in 1945 after the original score was destroyed 
during the war (F28)

  *   performing the ballet entitled ‘Rite of Spring’, as choreographed by Pina 
Bausch, in Avignon, at the Popes’ Palace, on July 7, 1995 [individual 
performance] (F31)

  *   performing the operatic work entitled ‘Dido and Aeneas’, as directed by 
Edward Gordon Craig and conducted by Martin Shaw, in London, Hampstead 
Conservatoire, on May 17, 18, and 19, 1900 [run of performances] (F31)

Properties: Rnn3 was remembered in (is memory of): F2 Expression

Rnn3 was remembered in (contains memory of)

Domain: F56 Externalization Event

Range: F2 Expression

Subproperty of: E1 CRM Entity. P67i is referred to by: E89 Propositional Object 
[or may be Out of CIDOC CRM Scope?]

Superproperty of: F28 Expression Creation. R17 created (was created by): F2 

Quantification: many to many, necessary, dependent (1,n:1,n)

Scope note: This property associates an instance of F56 Externalization Event 
with the instance of F2 Expression that records or refers to the content of 
that particular externalization event, in whole or in part. This recording may 
be done either directly or be transferred through tradition. The expression 
that records the externalization event may or may not be an expression of the 
work that was externalized in the event.

[No approved examples]

Pat Riva
Acting University Librarian / Bibliothécaire en chef par intérim
Concordia University / Université Concordia
1455 de Maisonneuve West, LB-331
Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8

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