Dear all,

Given that CRMbase 7.1.1 is now a static entity and needs to be so for the
purposes of shepherding it through the ISO process (shout out to Philippe
and Erin!), now seems a good time to be doing some consolidation on the
many extensions and trying to tighten up official versions of these.

I have taken up the mission of consolidating notes and thoughts from the
past few years regarding CRMdig and how to bring it into line with the best
practices we have evolved at the CRM SIG.

I have, as a result, formulated the following three powerpoints / proposals:

CRMdig Cleanup:

In which I propose a number of deletions and general consolidations to make
the extension accord with 7.1.1 and its practices. Here I should
acknowledge Rob Sanderson and Nicola Carboni for work which we did on this
a number of years ago which I have borrowed from (hold them not responsible
for any apostasies!).

CRMdig and CRMpe (Parthenos Entities)

Some time ago (it was in Paris in 2018 I think) we agreed to look into how
to integrate the work of the Parthenos Project that was relevant to CRMdig
into a common framework. In this powerpoint, I illustrate the basic
proposals of CRMpe and make some proposals as to what elements might become
parts of CRMdig (and other models).

CRMdig and CRMsoc

In looking over CRMdig, the annotation modelling particular stood out as an
outlier and not properly a question of digital workflow. I've done
extensive work on how to cover this using the structures of CRMsoc, so here
I put in an illustration of how that could be coherently harmonized.

The key point of this exercise, to my opinion, should be to focus on a
cleanup of CRMdig that brings it into coherence with our present practice
at CRM SIG but also takes into account the knowledge and experience of
people who have used it and who have knowledge of other standards and well
known practices in the community that should be taken into account.

Therefore, I present the above as a working framework for a discussion and
to announce that we will start to have the discussion of improving CRMdig.

For those of you who are interested in the topic and have opinions on what
is done right or wrong there, it would be great to hear your input, nothing
suggested above is set in stone, but is meant to start the conversation.

To that end, if people want to make structured remarks regarding the
proposals before the meeting, you can of course always use the emailing
back and forth feature of the list OR you could make your remarks in this
handy google doc I have constructed for that purpose:

This review is well overdue and is a nice, concentrated piece of action
which we could take up to facilitate the CRM community's modelling work, so
I do look forward to constructive and pragmatic discussions!


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