Dear all,

My HW document contains a full overview over all shortcuts and a discussion 
based on FOL, see

In this email I will explain the problems without any formal logic.  In the 
terminology part of  CIDOC CRM a short cut is described, see the full text at 
the end of this email. The central sentence is

"The CIDOC CRM declares shortcuts explicitly as single properties in order to 
allow the user to describe cases in which he has less detailed knowledge than 
the full data path would need to be described."

So in most cases shortcut property represents less information than the full 
path and in some case it is equal to the long path, but it will never 
represents more information. So if a shortcut property has a .1 property then 
some of the properties in the long path must have a  .1 property representing 
the same information. There are two shortcut properties with .1 property:

P107 has current or former member (is current or former member of)
P62 depicts (is depicted by)

The P107 is ok and P62 is not:

P107 has current or former member (is current or former member of

This property is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from E74 Group, 
P144i gained member by, E85 Joining, P143 joined to  E39 Actor.

1 properties in the shortcut:

This property has P107.1 kind of member

1 properties in the long path:
P144.1 kind of member: E55 Type.

The two .1 properties represents the same kind of information. In the case the 
P107.1 is instantiated, then the P144.1 must be instantiated with the same 
instance of E55. This has to be added to the scope note (and the FOL).


P62 depicts (is depicted by)
This property is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from E24 Physical 
Human-Made Thing through P65 shows visual item, E36 Visual Item, P138 
represents to  E1 CRM Entity.

1 propertiy in the shortcut:
P62.1 mode of depiction: 

1 properties in the long path:

The P138 represents has two .1 properties,

 inherited from P67:

P67.1 has type: 
 Type link to an instance of E55 Type. This is intended to allow a more 
detailed description of the type of reference.

locally defined
P138.1 mode of representation: 
 Type  allows the nature of the representation to be refined.

There is an error in the scopenote of P62:
"This property is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from E24 Physical 
Human-Made Thing through P65 shows visual item, E36 Visual Item, P138 
represents to  E1 CRM Entity. P138.1 mode of depiction allows the nature of the 
depiction to be refined.

 If P138.1 represents the same information as P62.1 then everything is ok.  If 
not then we have the following alternatives

1) Delete P62.1

2) Make it clear that P138.1 implies P62.1

3) Define a new .1-property for either   P65 shows visual item or P138 



"A shortcut is a formally defined single property that represents a deduction 
or join of a data path in the CIDOC CRM. The scope notes of all properties 
characterized as shortcuts describe in words the equivalent deduction. 
Shortcuts are introduced for the cases where common documentation practice 
refers only to the deduction rather than to the fully developed path. For 
example, museums often only record the dimension of an object without 
documenting the Measurement that observed it. The CIDOC CRM declares shortcuts 
explicitly as single properties in order to allow the user to describe cases in 
which he has less detailed knowledge than the full data path would need to be 
described. For each shortcut, the CIDOC CRM contains in its schema the 
properties of the full data path explaining the shortcut."
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