On Tue, Nov 1, 2022, 11:02 George Bruseker via Crm-sig <>

> Dear all,
> I propose the deletion of the following classes of CRMdig. The reason that
> each should be deleted is listed beside it, but there are two basic,
> principled reasons for the proposal:
> 1) the class can be modelled using a more generic pattern from CRMbase or
> CRMdig without loss of semantic valence
> 2) the class violates a CIDOC CRM modelling principle / best practice, an
> alternative mode of expressing it already exists using standard modelling
> in CRM and SHOULD be employed
> Therefore, if our proposal is done correctly removing all these classes
> will serve to a) make the model lighter but just as semantically powerful,
> b) accord with CRM SIG general modelling principles and c) serve better as
> a middle level domain ontology for its area of scope.
> Martin Doerr, Rob Sanderson and Nicola Carboni have all contributed over
> time to this review or properties alongside myself as proposer. Any
> mistakes being mine.
> With that as background here are the proposed deletions:
> *D21 Person Name*: Obvious reasons. We already have a general E41
> Appellation class and we do not specialize name classes endlessly but use
> the p2 has type formulation.
> *D23 Room*: Convenience class that is in fact not that convenient: use
> E53 Place
> This is a first list to which others may be added. At this time, I am
> happy to propose the above list for deletion as hopefully relatively
> uncontroversial.
> You can find the specification for CRMdig here:
> To read more on these classes.
> There are other problematic classes which need to be reanalyzed before
> they are considered for deletion or reworking. Separate issues will be
> raised for each of these as necessary.
> I call a vote now, ending on Nov 11. Please vote by answering YES to this
> emaill thread if you agree to these deletions or NO. If you vote NO, please
> indicate if you vote NO to all or if you vote NO to some part of the
> proposal.
> Thanks in advance for your interest and participation.
> Best,
> George
> Vice Chair CRM SIG
> --
> George Bruseker, PhD
> Chief Executive Officer
> Ltd.
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