On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 3:01 PM, Dennis Hübner <dennis.hueb...@itemis.de>wrote:

>  Am 14.12.11 20:52, schrieb Thomas Hallgren:
> On 2011-12-14 20:44, Dennis Hübner wrote:
> >
> > I think it's also a good idea to point b3 aggregator to projects nightly
> > update site after a milestone is released.
> > So dependent projects can earlier react to probably breaking changes.
> >
> Keep in mind though, that many project build nightlys produce version 
> qualifiers
> that starts with 'N' and that this often break the version semantics when
> intermixed with other types of builds.
>  That's new to me. I thought all project should use
> Thank for this info Thomas.
> [1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering
PDE has this support for the nightlies where the fetchTag is HEAD (instead
of the qualifier in the maps), and when using the generic fetchTag the
qualifier gets set to N<date>-<time>

Interestingly with the switch to git, we've switched to a convention where
the qualifier in the map is the v<UTC timestamp> of the last commit to
touch a given bundle/project.  That same practice could be applied to
nightlies since it is invariant with the same build input.

In the Eclipse SDK case, that still wouldn't allow easy intermingling of
types of builds as the product qualifier *is* changed on every build and in
our case would swap between N<date>-<time> and I<date>-<time>


Paul Webster
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