Hi David,

Just a quick question: I've seen you kept our SR1 contribution for
Sequoyah, and as we are almost on maintenance, we don't have any bugfixes
for SR2. Do I *need* to generate another build, with a x.y.2 version or can
we keep this x.y.1, since the code will be the same?

And thanks for your quick help over all these warm-up weeks! :)

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 17:58, David M Williams

> tick tock
> Here we are already at 3 PM on +3 day. Unless someone shouts "wait", I'll
> consider the updates for RC1 finished by 5 PM today (Eastern), and what
> ever build is current will then become our "maintenance" staging repo for
> RC1.
> http://download.eclipse.org/releases/maintenance/
> There are two contribution files that have disabled features or
> repositories ... riena being the largest omission ... last call! :)
> ep.b3aggrcon (see bug 362103)
> riena.b3aggrcon
> Markus tells me, in keeping with tradition, he will produce the EPP
> packages with the same spirit of "warm-up" (not moved to downloads, not
> mirrored, no official sign-off, but the maintainers (or, anyone) can still
> test from the EPP build site.
> In two short weeks we'll produce RC2 which overlaps with Juno M5! ... so,
> plan accordingly ... I'm sure we'll be keeping the build machine(s) warm
> that week.
> Indigo: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Indigo/Simultaneous_Release_Plan#SR2
> Juno: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Juno/Simultaneous_Release_Plan#Schedule
> Thanks,
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