Hmmm, I thought I'd enabled PTP, but maybe I did something wrong…


On Aug 14, 2012, at 5:08 PM, David M Williams wrote:

> But, that still leaves 49 to go! 
> Remember, next week we will be producing Kepler M1 as well as Juno SR1 RC1 
> ... all Monday through Wednesday ... so, best if those that are planning to 
> participate in Kepler enable their project now, or there won't be time to 
> refine details next week. 
> actf.b3aggrcon 
> amalgam.b3aggrcon 
> amp.b3aggrcon 
> birt.b3aggrcon 
> cdt.b3aggrcon 
> dltk.b3aggrcon 
> dtp.b3aggrcon 
> ecf.b3aggrcon 
> emf-cdo.b3aggrcon 
> emf-compare.b3aggrcon 
> emf-query.b3aggrcon 
> emf-query2.b3aggrcon 
> emf-transaction.b3aggrcon 
> emf-validation.b3aggrcon 
> emft-ecoretools.b3aggrcon 
> emft-eef.b3aggrcon 
> emft-egf.b3aggrcon 
> emft-emffacet.b3aggrcon 
> epp-mpc.b3aggrcon 
> gmp-gmf-notation.b3aggrcon 
> gmp-gmf-runtime.b3aggrcon 
> gmp-gmf-tooling.b3aggrcon 
> gyrex.b3aggrcon 
> jetty.b3aggrcon 
> jubula.b3aggrcon 
> jwt.b3aggrcon 
> koneki.b3aggrcon 
> m2e.b3aggrcon 
> m2m-atl.b3aggrcon 
> m2m-qvtoml.b3aggrcon 
> m2t-acceleo.b3aggrcon 
> mat.b3aggrcon 
> mdt-modisco.b3aggrcon 
> mdt-papyrus.b3aggrcon 
> mft.b3aggrcon 
> mylyn-docs-intent.b3aggrcon 
> pdt.b3aggrcon 
> rap.b3aggrcon 
> recommenders.b3aggrcon 
> rtp.b3aggrcon 
> scout.b3aggrcon 
> soa-bpel.b3aggrcon 
> soa-sca.b3aggrcon 
> subversive.b3aggrcon 
> tcf.b3aggrcon 
> tm.b3aggrcon 
> virgo.b3aggrcon 
> webtools.b3aggrcon 
> windowbuilder.b3aggrcon 
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