Sorry about that. Cut and paste error, I didn't notice. Should be fixed now.

As to the separate milestones... yea it can lead to confusion. We try to generate a Milestone for EclipseLink once a 
month and when referring to the SimRel Train contribution can lead to confusion. I try to follow the nomenclature of 
"Kepler M4" vs "EclipseLink M5", so my comments usually say something akin to "Contribution of 
EclipseLink M5 for Kepler M4" Though sometimes it is just "EclipseLink contribution for Kepler M#" and 
the aggregation file specifies the appropriate EclipseLink milestone repo.

If you can think of a better methodology let me know.


On 20/12/2012 3:53 PM, David M Williams wrote:
Ok, thanks Eric, for letting us know. Neil's told me you kind of have "your 
own" milestones, and then take the closest one to our Simultaneous Milestones ... no 
harm in that, just means we have to communicate carefully.

Normally "having two versions" wouldn't hurt anything, unless you know there's 
some API change or something that makes them incompatible, so I'll assume we are ok, 
unless someone reports an actual problem (and, getting kind of late, even for that :)

You are right, there's no harm doing the update so "in case" we need to respin, 
it would pick up your corrected version, however I still get
Unable to load repository 
so if we did respin right now, we'd be broken.
I think the first problem is there is a space (blank) in both your URL and 
version that should not be there.
But, even if I fix that, then I get:

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be 
Missing requirement: EclipseLink JPA 2.5.0.v20121120-ec51fcc 
( 2.5.0.v20121120-ec51fcc) requires 
' [2.5.0.v20121120-ec51fcc]' but it could not be 

[2.5.0.v20121120-ec51fcc,2.5.0.v20121120-ec51fcc]) is required by:

The b3 aggregator editor can be your friend :)

From: Eric Gwin <>
To: Cross project issues <>,
Date: 12/20/2012 02:06 PM
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Status and outlook for Kepler M4 +3
Sent by:


No. EclipseLink's M4 was 2.5.0.v20121016-ab08992, it is what was included in 
the aggregation files. However, Dali is including EclipseLink directly, and 
they are using M5 (2.5.0.v20121120-ec51fcc). So currently both versions are in 
the aggregation.

When I released our M5 I thought I had updated the aggregation files to reflect 
the new Milestone. However somehow it never did occur. I probably forgot to 
push my local change, and later issues caused me to re-clone so the change was 

In any case, the only issue I'm aware of is the multiple versions of most of 
our bundles. I'm unaware of any other repercussion. I just thought that if the 
aggregation was going to be redone, than syncing things up would be in 
everyone's best interest. Your call however.


On 20/12/2012 12:24 PM, David M Williams wrote:
I'm a bit confused, but in any case would need more justification to do a rebuild, this 
late. What impact to users is there? Can they get your "correct M4" from your 
own repo? Is there a work around? Does it effect EPP packages?

When I look for Eclipse link in .../releases/staging, I do see the same thing 
as in .../releases/kepler;
EclipseLink Target Components        2.5.0.v20121016-ab08992

So, I think you are saying that's your M3 level? But your note, and your commit to get 
mention M5: "update Kepler contrib to EclipseLink M5".

We are still on M4, if that's a point of confusion. But in any case, can you make an 
argument why this would be "blocking".

FYI, we've not "strict on dates" just for sake of being strict (though, that is 
a good reason :) ... but the process of doing a rebuild is itself risky ... others might 
have changed something, intentional or not ... so introduces uncertainty and a lot of 
re-work for many.

So, if your users can get what they need from your project's repo, I'd prefer 
to go that route.


From: Eric Gwin _<>_ <>
To: Cross project issues _<>_ 
Date: 12/20/2012 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Status and outlook for Kepler M4 +3
Sent by: _cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@eclipse.org_ 


I was certain that I'd already updated EclipseLink, but that was not the case. 
I double checked this morning on a whim due to this thread, and discovered the 
issue. You are using our M5, but our build was still set to M4. That would 
leave two sets of jars in the aggregation. I've just submitted the new build 

I apologize for the mix-up.

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