It is a little early yet .... you have a few days left :) 

More specifically, the +0 day is this Friday, 3/15, with everyone else 
done by +3 day on 3/20 (except EPP, which has till Thursday, 3/21). And 
this is our "EclipseCon build" which not only  means we want it stable and 
of high quality, but definitely not-late, since many people will be 
traveling, etc., so if someone wanted a last minute re-spin or something 
the right people might not be around. 

I've seen many of you doing "warm up aggregation builds" already -- always 
a good idea -- and in fact, I have just now I've submitted a warm-up of 
Eclipse Platform, based on our build from I20130311-2000. One problem with 
it is that it is missing a plugin that Virgo uses ... well ... I'm 
assuming they "get it from us", the org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.batch 
bundle. Our new Tycho/Maven build has not been putting that in our repo, 
but think I have fixed just today, so will do another warm-up tomorrow. 
(we no longer produce the org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.batch.source 
bundle, though, so hope that's not needed (if so, comment in bug 402693 

I know I warned everyone to "build against" our new builds ... now I'm 
especially anxious (excited?) to make sure EPP still builds! 

Thanks all, 


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