The Architecture Council has been talking about providing a standard "CONTRIBUTING" template that projects can put into their Git repository root to describe how the project receives contributions.

Any input, especially in the form of content for the template, is appreciated.


On 03/25/2013 03:20 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:
Hi all,

I've noticed that some GitHub repo mirros have some pending contributions (issues or pull requests). I made a quick and dirty Groovy script to have a more global view of pending GitHub contributions (see attachement, replace GitHub username/password to run it locally).
The following lists project who have contributions on GitHub:

acceleo: 0 issues, 2 open pull requests
bpmn2-modeler: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
ecf: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
eclipse.jdt.core: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
eclipse.jdt.ui: 1 issues, 1 open pull requests 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
eclipse.platform.ui: 0 issues, 2 open pull requests
eclipselink.runtime: 0 issues, 4 open pull requests
egit: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
egit-github: 0 issues, 5 open pull requests
emf: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
gemini.blueprint: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
gemini.jpa: 0 issues, 3 open pull requests
gyrex-releng: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
incubator: 0 issues, 2 open pull requests
jetty.project: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
jgit: 0 issues, 3 open pull requests
linuxtools: 0 issues, 4 open pull requests
lyo.testsuite: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
m2e-core: 0 issues, 3 open pull requests
nebula: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
orion.client: 0 issues, 6 open pull requests
pdt: 0 issues, 4 open pull requests
rap.incubator.fileupload: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
rap.incubator.gef: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
recommenders: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
rt.equinox.bundles: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
rt.equinox.p2: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
tycho: 0 issues, 2 open pull requests
webtools.jsdt.core: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
webtools.jsdt.tests: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
webtools.sourceediting: 0 issues, 1 open pull requests
TOTAL: 1 issues, 60 open pull requests

I think we need a way to get those contributions (and contributors) better integrated into the Eclipse ecosystem An appropriate solution would be a daemon looking for new contributions and adding a comment to the contribution to teach the author how to get it integrated into the project (via Bugzilla and Gerrit).

Food for thoughts...
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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Wayne Beaton
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