I believe that the Contribution Questionnaire page in the wiki [1] answers this. If it is unclear, either take a crack at clarifying it yourself or let me know I can take another run at it.

The short version is that you need CQ for any library that project code uses directly. You do not require a CQ for any library that is used indirectly via another Eclipse project. I spelled this out in more detail on the wiki page.

CQs are version-specific. You need a CQ for each version of a library that project code uses.

It doesn't matter where project code comes from. If a tool like Xtext generates project code (i.e. code that goes into your source code repository, or dynamically-generated code that gets distributed in compiled form) that uses a library, this is considered a direct reference.



[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Development_Resources/Contribution_Questionnaire

On 05/17/2013 02:31 AM, Ed Willink wrote:
Hi Wayne

Can you clarify the policy on library piggy-back CQs?

For MDT/OCL we initially used Guava indirectly through Xtext and so might not need a PB CQ although we did raise one since Xtext auto-generates source code for us with direct calls to the Injector class. Subsequently we have some manually written code that exploits Guava too.

Our PB CQ has not updated from version 10, although Guava in Orbit is charging along through 11, 12 with 14 on the horizon.

Are we at fault through not raising more PB CQs? Do I misunderstand the policy? Is the policy inappropriate for major evolving libraries?


        Ed Willink
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Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects, The Eclipse Foundation
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