I'm not sure you ever got answers to some of your questions ... so, just 
in case you still need them .... 

> I noticed long ago that MANIFEST.MF as shipped by SimRel bears 
> little resemblance to my source text. There is a nasty line-wrapping
> and every class has an SHA1-Digest added.

The "wrapping" is part of the "spec" for MANIFEST.MF files and any build 
and any runtime version should be wrapped that way (that is, not exceed 80 
characters ... how old is that! :) 

The SHA Digest is part of the "code signing" that occurs ... again, any 
build that "signs" would have these. 

So, these first two aren't specific to Eclipse, OSGI, or Sim. Release, or 
anything other than "Java". 

> If something is rewriting all the Import-Package directives, then 
> surely it could/should rewrite all the Export-Package directives to 
> use "uses" too?

There are actually some "build tools" that will do that, such as BND ... I 
think its called ...  and not sure if by default, or if you have to spell 
it out ... BUT, we discussed this in Orbit (at least in Orbit, other 
projects may have also) and decided against a blanket "always use 
uses-clauses" because there was some concern that if it was ALWAYS used, 
then it would start to have a performance impact ... not so much for 
"small apps" of several hundred bundles ... but, for cases where several 
thousand bundles were being used, it might start to add up, especially to 
start-up time, and especially to "first time" start-up time. That was many 
many years ago, so not sure if there has been any studies or improvements 
in that concern. But, it is also clear that in some cases, it is 
definitely required, to get components to "play nice" with each other. I'm 
sorry I don't know of a clear statement of "how to know" when its 
required, and when its not ... but if there is one, I bet a search engine 
would find it. (including some interesting, old, bug reports :) 


From:   Ed Willink <e...@willink.me.uk>
To:     Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@eclipse.org>, 
Date:   06/04/2014 07:21 AM
Subject:        Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Pseudo-singleton for Guava 
in RC3
Sent by:        cross-project-issues-dev-boun...@eclipse.org

Hi David

On 04/06/2014 11:48, David M Williams wrote:

> I think that someone with the power to influence the platform needs to 
review how 
> we support Guava and other shared non-singletons 
> so that we avoid repeating this mess in Mars. 

Hmmm, I think, Ed, I finally found one thing to disagree with you about :) 

Hopefully we're agreed about trying to avoid this mess in Mars. If tooling 
rather than the platform is the solution, fine by me.

I think if you (or others) carefully read Bug 427862 you'd find this issue 
less about "using one version" and more about using correct versions, in 
correct ways:  a) projects should follow "best practices" for 
componentization (such as, 1) do not "re-export" bundles simply for a 
convenience, 2) don't make "third party" code part of your own API (unless 
it's one that's mature, and one that can be well trusted to follow OSGi 
principles), 3) use proper version ranges when exporting or importing 
packages, 4) take advantage of "uses clauses", etc.) and b) we need to 
influence those third parties who are not using OSGi quite right, and 
encourage them to do so (which has happened, in this case!) 
Thanks for pointing back at this. I didn't understand "uses" and got 
Marcel to give a better example.

I see that the Manifest editor has a "Calculate Uses" button that makes my 
Manifests huge. I don't particularly want to maintain this manually.

I noticed long ago that MANIFEST.MF as shipped by SimRel bears little 
resemblance to my source text. There is a nasty line-wrapping and every 
class has an SHA1-Digest added.

If something is rewriting all the Import-Package directives, then surely 
it could/should rewrite all the Export-Package directives to use "uses" 


        Ed Willink
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