Thanks Ivan. I added the obfuscate option to the list of potential improvements.

Am 11.08.2014 um 10:05 schrieb Ivan Inozemtsev <>:

> +1, I'd love to have this feature not only for milestone builds. Several 
> years ago at Xored we were trying to build a similar system for server-side 
> error log collection and grouping, with additional collection of extra 
> information like jre version, os name, memory settings, disk usage, but 
> couldn't find enough resources to make it live.
> Additional note – sometimes, even during email communication, people don't 
> send error logs because they don't want to reveal their proprietary bundle 
> IDs (so they don't want you to know their company/product name), or send logs 
> with those ids are replaced by asterisks. So maybe having an option like 
> "obfuscate non-eclipse bundles and class names" could potentially attract 
> such users.
> Ivan Inozemtsev

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