Been a busy few days! 

I think we are on the verge of getting some "green" builds again, but 
wanted to be sure to mention some "hacks" I had to make: 

For Luna
I disabled 
  (I also removed "eclipselink" which I hope doesn't surprise them, as 
they were not participants in the Sim. Release! ... definitely need to 
tighten up our process! )

For Mars, more changes. In addition to the above two changes, the 
following contain some repo or feature disabled. The first one in the list 
(and the last) are the only ones I made ... 
but thought it'd be good to call attention to the others in case anyone is 
I also had to adjust the "feature ranges" of emf.transaction and 
gmf.runtime. emf-transaction I'm pretty sure was a "typo", 
but the latter I'm not so sure. I changed (increased) feature ranges so it 
would "match" what was in the repo it was pointing at, but as far as I 
know it might have been pointing at the wrong repo? 


Still a few hours left, if anyone can safely make changes to fix up things 
to be included, or accurate. 

The good news is I think the "warm up" RC has been effective in getting 
Luna close to "lined up" ... the next RC's, in a few weeks, will have 
little time for major changes, so I hope this preliminary step avoids 
problems for those that should be "real" release candidates. Also, more 
good news, I think this is the most "M1 participants" we've ever had! ... 
I am glad everyone is getting a good early start on Mars, as it should be. 


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