Hi all,

a bit more info.

To analyze the proxy issues plaguing Code Recommenders and the Automated
Error Reporting, we have included a network communication test job in
earlier RCs that just pinged a stats URI at download.eclipse.org using
both Apache HttpComponents or ECF (through p2's

If anyone is interested, here's the code [1]. You can view the collected
data at [2] using a "partial file name" of

This yields results like the following:

> /stats/recommenders/network-communication-test/apache/java-1.8.0_45/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/
>         746
> /stats/recommenders/network-communication-test/p2/java-1.8.0_45/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/
>     737

The stats URLs encode the platform, Java version, whether Eclipse was
configured with "Native", "Manual" or "Direct" proxy settings (General >
Network Communication) and which authentication method (if any) was
mandated by the "Proxy-Authenticate" header.

In the above, you can see that a Windows 7 configuration using the
"Native" provider and no authentication method ("none") pinged 746 over
Apache HttpComponents and 737 over p2. This *may* mean that p2 had 6
times trouble communicating where plain HttpComponents had not.

Most of the time, the situation is the other way around, however. Here's
a "diff" of the results, in case anyone can spot a pattern.

In these configuration, we don't see Apache at all:

> java-1.7.0/Windows+7-6.1/Native-NTLM;Basic/   p2      4
> java-1.7.0_60/Windows+7-6.1/Native-unknown/   p2      1
> java-1.7.0_21/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-NEGOTIATE;NTLM;BASIC/      p2      1
> java-1.7.0_67/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-NTLM;BASIC/        p2      1
> java-1.7.0_71/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-Basic/     p2      3
> java-1.7.0_72/Windows+8.1-6.3/Native-none/    p2      1
> java-1.7.0_79/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-Basic/     p2      6
> java-1.7.0_75/Windows+XP-5.1/Manual-NEGOTIATE;NTLM;BASIC/     p2      1
> java-1.7.0_80/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-NTLM;BASIC/        p2      3
> java-1.7.0_79/Windows+7-6.1/Native-unknown/   p2      1
> java-1.7.0_79/Windows+8.1-6.3/Native-unknown/ p2      1
> java-1.7.0_80/Windows+8-6.2/Native-unknown/   p2      1
> java-1.8.0_05/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-BASIC/     p2      3
> java-1.8.0_05/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-Negotiate;NTLM;Basic/      p2      1
> java-1.8.0_31/Mac+OS+X-10.10.3/Direct-unknown/        p2      1
> java-1.8.0_31/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-NTLM;Basic/        p2      4
> java-1.8.0_31/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-Negotiate;Kerberos;NTLM;Basic/     p2      
> 2
> java-1.8.0_31/Windows+7-6.1/Native-Negotiate;Kerberos;NTLM/   p2      1
> java-1.8.0_45/Mac+OS+X-10.10.3/Direct-unknown/        p2      3
> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-Basic/     p2      7
> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-Negotiate;Basic/   p2      2

Here, we don't see p2 at all:

> java-1.7.0_51/Linux-3.13.0-24-generic/Native-unknown/ apache  1
> java-1.8.0_31/Linux-3.5.0-54-generic/Native-none/     apache  1
> java-1.8.0_31/Windows+7-6.1/Native-unknown/   apache  1

In these configurations, we see small differences (which *may* be
explained by a cache somewhere):

> java-1.7.0_11/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      apache  7
> java-1.7.0_11/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      p2      8

> java-1.7.0_15/Mac+OS+X-10.10.3/Manual-none/   apache  5
> java-1.7.0_15/Mac+OS+X-10.10.3/Manual-none/   p2      4

> java-1.7.0_45/Linux-3.13.0-53-generic/Native-none/    apache  5
> java-1.7.0_45/Linux-3.13.0-53-generic/Native-none/    p2      4

> java-1.7.0_51/Linux-3.13.0-24-generic/Native-none/    apache  22
> java-1.7.0_51/Linux-3.13.0-24-generic/Native-none/    p2      21

> java-1.7.0_75/Linux-2.6.32-504.16.2.el6.x86_64/Native-none/   apache  5
> java-1.7.0_75/Linux-2.6.32-504.16.2.el6.x86_64/Native-none/   p2      4

> java-1.7.0_79/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      apache  71
> java-1.7.0_79/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      p2      70

> java-1.8.0_05/Windows+8-6.2/Native-none/      apache  3
> java-1.8.0_05/Windows+8-6.2/Native-none/      p2      2

> java-1.8.0_20/Windows+7-6.1/Native-unknown/   apache  3
> java-1.8.0_20/Windows+7-6.1/Native-unknown/   p2      2

> java-1.8.0_20/Windows+8-6.2/Native-none/      apache  7
> java-1.8.0_20/Windows+8-6.2/Native-none/      p2      6

> java-1.8.0_25/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      apache  78
> java-1.8.0_25/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      p2      77

> java-1.8.0_31/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      apache  127
> java-1.8.0_31/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      p2      128

> java-1.8.0_40/Mac+OS+X-10.9.5/Direct-none/    apache  11
> java-1.8.0_40/Mac+OS+X-10.9.5/Direct-none/    p2      10

> java-1.8.0_40/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-BASIC/     apache  1
> java-1.8.0_40/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-BASIC/     p2      4

> java-1.8.0_40/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      apache  131
> java-1.8.0_40/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      p2      129

> java-1.8.0_40/Windows+7-6.1/Native-unknown/   apache  1
> java-1.8.0_40/Windows+7-6.1/Native-unknown/   p2      2

> java-1.8.0_45/Linux-3.16.0-38-generic/Native-none/    apache  19
> java-1.8.0_45/Linux-3.16.0-38-generic/Native-none/    p2      18

> java-1.8.0_45/Linux-3.2.0-4-amd64/Native-none/        apache  3
> java-1.8.0_45/Linux-3.2.0-4-amd64/Native-none/        p2      4

> java-1.8.0_45/Mac+OS+X-10.10.3/Direct-none/   apache  150
> java-1.8.0_45/Mac+OS+X-10.10.3/Direct-none/   p2      149

> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-NTLM;BASIC/        p2      9
> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-NTLM;Basic/        apache  6

> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      apache  746
> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+7-6.1/Native-none/      p2      737

> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+7-6.1/Native-unknown/   apache  7
> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+7-6.1/Native-unknown/   p2      9

> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+8-6.2/Native-none/      apache  304
> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+8-6.2/Native-none/      p2      301

> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+8-6.2/Native-unknown/   apache  4
> java-1.8.0_45/Windows+8-6.2/Native-unknown/   p2      5

As you can see, plain Apache HttpComponents still has issues with both
NTLM and SPNEGO proxy authentication, although at least for NTLM there
are a few proxies out there for which HttpComponents can authenticate
with NTLM (but never SPNEGO).

Moreover, there a few configurations (notably,
"java-1.7.0_79/Windows+7-6.1/Manual-Basic/"), for which HttpComponents
fails even with straight-forward settings: "Manual" proxy provider and
"Basic" authentication, i.e., username and password. I am not quite sure
what to make of this other than "you use the HttpComponents API wrong!"

Any insights are greatly appreciated.


[2] <https://dev.eclipse.org/committers/committertools/stats.php>

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