Hi David,

I would like to get a new service release for BPMN2 Modeler into Mars RC2.
Does this mean there is still time for another RC2 build?


On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 11:22 PM, David M Williams <
david_willi...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> I am announcing this a bit early because part of the weather forecast for
> central North Carolina on Friday is "freezing rain" which often leads to
> power outages. While I do have a few hours of emergency backup power (and a
> back up internet connection) I just do not want to have to worry about
> getting this announcement out later today. It is, after all, an historic
> announcement! (Tangent below.)
> = = = = = = =
> I suspect everyone knows this is considered a "warm-up" RC, not a true
> candidate for release. That partially means it has not been tested as much
> and partially that there are still "known fixes" to go into some project's
> builds. But, from here on (for RC2, 3 and 4) please make each of them as
> solid as possible and a true candidate for release. (i.e. don't plan on
> waiting until RC4 to put in some big fix ... after all, there might be
> another ice storm somewhere by then and we'll have to release RC3!  :)
>  Very unlikely to happen, but that should be our attitude.
> As with past "warm-up" RCs, we do not publish the EPP packages to the
> downloads page (on developers-index tab), but if you do want to test one,
> you can get it directly from EPP's build archives:
> Downloads of the packages:
> *https://hudson.eclipse.org/packaging/job/mars.epp-tycho-build/325/artifact/org.eclipse.epp.packages/archive/*
> <https://hudson.eclipse.org/packaging/job/mars.epp-tycho-build/325/artifact/org.eclipse.epp.packages/archive/>
> p2 repositories (for testing "check for updates")
> *https://hudson.eclipse.org/packaging/job/mars.epp-tycho-build/325/artifact/org.eclipse.epp.packages/archive/repository/*
> <https://hudson.eclipse.org/packaging/job/mars.epp-tycho-build/325/artifact/org.eclipse.epp.packages/archive/repository/>and
> *http://download.eclipse.org/releases/maintenance/*
> <http://download.eclipse.org/releases/maintenance/>
> Greatest thanks to everyone working on Mars.2.
> = = = = = = =
> What is so historic about this warm-up RC?
> This is our last warm-up RC build -- forever!  For Neon update releases we
> are not planning to have warm-up RCs but going straight to RCs with only
> one week in between. We will still have 4 RCs, though.
> This is partially because we are having 3 update releases during the year,
> instead of 2, so the schedule is a little compressed.
> But, even more so, it is because the vast majority of you Eclipse projects
> are really getting good at this and there seems to be no need for a warm-up
> any longer. We say "go" you put out a release. Job well done! Thanks.
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