
For reasons that are not entirely clear, the Mylyn release build has
recently started including Apache Http Components 4.3 on the Mylyn update
site. I'm wondering:
* Is this is a problem from an IP perspective? [1]
* Why is this happening? [2]
* Why does the project downloads scanner not complain about this? [3]

[1] I can't find
any relevant CQ for Mylyn. Do we need one?

[2] It seems that this is caused by having ECF in our build target, but I
don't understand what is happening. We don't have ECF in our update site,
so why do we get it's dependencies?

[3] The project downloads scanner doesn't flag 4.3 as a problem but it
points to CQs that are not for Mylyn (
https://dev.eclipse.org/ipzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=8934 and
https://dev.eclipse.org/ipzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=8934). I would have thought
it would flag these jars unless there were CQs for Mylyn.

Any help would be appreciated.


Sam Davis
Software Engineer, Tasktop Dev
Committer, Eclipse Mylyn
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