I guess one question, is that really the Foundation’s role? Is it not up to us, 
the community, to make sure the messaging is clear?

Though I’m not as worried about that at the moment. I gave a short talk to a 
local Ottawa IoT meetup and used the term “Eclipse” and they knew exactly what 
I was talking about, using Eclipse to program their Arduinos. And they rather 
liked the idea :).

Aside from that, the language server protocol is a great initiative and 
something our tooling really needs. Don’t forget Red Hat is also a major player 
here and I think we’ll all benefit from it.


 on behalf of Konstantin Komissarchik 
Reply-To: Cross project issues 
Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 12:11 PM
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] CodeEnvy continues to use deceptive wording 
that's harmful to Eclipse

I was just reading the latest Microsoft/RedHat/Codenvy press release and came 
across the problematic wording that we’ve seen before.

Microsoft Visual Studio Code and Eclipse Che, the next-generation Eclipse IDE, 
have added support for the protocol.


I think it’s great that Eclipse Foundation is getting more technologically 
diverse, but I find it very concerning that Eclipse Foundation is allowing 
Codenvy/Che to continue to use wording like this. Current Eclipse users will 
read this statement as an official statement of the roadmap for the desktop 
Eclipse IDE or whatever the hell we are supposed to call it now that Eclipse 
IDE doesn’t mean anything, apparently.

I understand why Codenvy would use wording like this as it helps them to 
promote Che. What I don’t understand is why Eclipse Foundation, through 
inaction, is allowing this to continue.


- Konstantin
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