Hello all,

We are currently running at almost full disk capacity on HIPP 3; there is only a matter of a few GB's disk space remaining.

I have identified the following list of projects that currently call HIPP 3 home:

modeling.amalgam amalgam
iot.californium californium
polarsys.polarsys.capella capella
iot.concierge concierge
technology.dltk dltk
technology.ease ease
rt.eclipselink eclipselink
modeling.emft.eef eef
modeling.emf.egf egf
ecd.flux flux
modeling.gendoc gendoc
locationtech.technology.geoff geoff
locationtech.technology.geomesa geomesa
technology.jgit jgit
iot.kura kura
tools.ldt ldt
technology.lyo lyo
technology.m2e m2e
iot.mosquitto mosquitto
technology.ogee ogee
iot.om2m om2m
tools.orbit orbit
technology.rcptt rcptt
soa.stardust stardust
tools.tracecompass tracecompass
locationtech.technology.udig udig
iot.wakaama wakaama
modeling.tmf.xtext xtext

Just so we can keep things ticking over on HIPP 3, where possible, can a project member of each one of these projects please do a quick cleanup on their respective project workspace and redundant artifacts?

Thank you in advance.


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