> From: Ed Merks <ed.me...@gmail.com>
> During testing I also see this stack trace in my Error log:
> java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field 
> private static volatile java.net.Authenticator 
> java.net.Authenticator.theAuthenticator accessible: module java.base
> does not "opens java.net" to unnamed module @26749efe
>     at java.base/
> 335)
>     at java.base/
> 278)
>     at 
>     at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Field.setAccessible(Field.java:169)
>     at 
> 116)

> I'm not sure what to make of that, but it suggests that MPC might 
> well not function when running on Java 9. 
> So in the end, I think there isn't so much to worry about, but 
> nevertheless, I strongly encourage each team to test their project's
> readiness so we can all avoid hassles and embarrassment when Java 9 
> is finally released.  I've tried to help make that as easy as 

> Regards,
> Ed

This is an indication that ProxyHelper is using reflection on some 
internal types of java.net.Authenticator.  Looks like it is to unset 
itself from the private static field 
java.net.Authenticator.theAuthenticator.  This likely is happening on 
shutdown and the ProxyHelper is just trying to clean up the VMs static 
field.  In the Eclipse Platform case this is not a big deal that it failed 
because the VM is going to terminate anyway so there is no concern that 
ProxyHelper could not clean up from the awful static instance in the VM.

I had to work around a similar issue in the Equinox Framework in order to 
clean up our URLStreamHandlerFactory implementation [1].  I did horrendous 
things by using the Unsafe class to get around this.  There is a temporary 
option in Java 9 (--force-open-all-module-packages) that should force all 
packages from modules in the boot layer to be open for deep reflection on 
private types.  You can try this option out to see if it works around the 
issue.  They say this option will be removed in a future release so I 
don't think it is a viable long term solution.  You could also try using 
the more specific option --add-opens:

--add-opens java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED

The commandline help for --add-options does not state that ALL-UNNAMED is 
a valid target so it may not work, but the similar options --add-reads and 
--add-exports do state ALL-UNNAMED is a valid target so it may work.  Even 
this is not a great option because in the future we may try to get the 
bundles to be loaded as real named modules [2] (note this article is out 
of date and some of the details have changed significantly).  In that case 
you would have to be more specific and list the symbolic names of the 
bundles that need to do deep reflection.


[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=502209

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