> On 13. Apr 2017, at 07:52, Frederic Gurr <frederic.g...@eclipse.org> wrote:
> I have to disagree on that one. I'm pretty sure that quite a lot of
> people rely on documentation for old releases.

Frederic, I'm basically challenging two things:

1) How different and relevant really is old documentation?

- I don't really by into the "misleading" or "confusing" argument
- API/JavaDoc as well as plug-in development doc is the same
- discovering features and api in newer doc could lead to additional motivation 
for adopting newer versions

2) Spending valuable Foundation resources on things only a small subset of 
people need

- IMHO IT time would be better invested focusing on a reliable infrastructure 
and services for projects and committers.
- If there are commercial interests in providing old documentation, companies 
should be able to come up with options themselves.
- (Commercial) products based on RCP/IDE rarely rely on help.eclipse.org - they 
either host or ship their own help.
- Help is (always was) included in old versions of Eclipse.

If I recall, the goal of help.eclipse.org was to have a public service 
committers/developers/contributors could link/refer to when helping other 
users. IMHO it's also a valuable source when searching/researching something.

Thus, in the interest of keeping things simple and being pragmatic, I suggest 
to only host the latest documentation on help.eclipse.org.

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