On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 8:57 AM Homer, Tony <tony.ho...@intel.com> wrote:

> Some 2020-06 features now require javax.annotation 1.3.5 (Jersey Common
> from Orbit and bundles that depend on it such as Linux Tools Docker) while
> others (such as org.eclipse.e4.rcp) still require javax.annotation 1.2.0.
> https://download.eclipse.org/tools/orbit/downloads/drops2/R20200529191137/repository/plugins/org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-common_2.30.1.v20200513-1859.jar
> http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2020-06/202006171000/features/org.eclipse.linuxtools.docker.feature_4.7.0.202006092019.jar
> http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2020-06/202006171000/features/org.eclipse.e4.rcp_4.16.0.v20200604-0951.jar
> Is it possible to reconcile these dependency chains without rebuilding the
> features, so that an eclipse application can use several of these
> conflicting features from SimRel 2020-06?  As far as I know it is not, but
> I’d love to learn that I am wrong.
> e4.rcp does not seem to have any version restriction defined (0.0.0).
> https://git.eclipse.org/c/platform/eclipse.platform.ui.git/tree/features/org.eclipse.e4.rcp/feature.xml#n150
> e4.rcp is resolving javax.annotation from the updates repo at build time,
> which provides 1.2.0.
> http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.17-I-builds/I20200612-0650/plugins/javax.annotation_1.2.0.v201602091430.jar
> What contributes these third-party dependencies to the updates repo?
Eclipse Platform build using
where versions are strictly fixed as updates are not always straightforward
when done on the lowest level in the stack.

> Shouldn’t third-party dependencies be resolved from Orbit instead of from
> the updates repo?
> How do I update one of these dependencies that is being provided by the
> updates repo, such as javax.annotation?
Unfortunately there is no other way I'm aware of other than rebuilding
eclipse platform after changing the prereqs target file.

> In any case, it seems that it must be too late to fix this for 2020-06,
> but these should get reconciled before 2020-09.

I'm here with you and have opened
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=564264 to track it down. As
the bundle is in Orbit already (thanks!) this shouldn't be an issue to be
done for 4.17 M1.

> I’m interested in helping with this work, but I’ll need the information I
> asked for above and could use some direction about which project to log the
> bug in for tracking.
> Thanks!
> Tony Homer
> P.S. Is this an appropriate discussion for cross-project-issues dev?  I
> don’t want to spam the list so please let me know if this is off-topic and
> how I should communicate instead.  Thanks!
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