On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 7:53 PM Wayne Beaton <
wayne.bea...@eclipse-foundation.org> wrote:

> Somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK it a requirement for
> inclusion in an EPP package is participation in the simultaneous release.
> [...]
> Per EPP/How to create a package
> <https://wiki.eclipse.org/EPP/How_to_create_a_package>:
> Packages must only contain code from Eclipse projects from the
>> Simultaneous Release
SimRel is not a requirement for EPP any more, this was clarified with
Planning Council earlier this year.
The documentation needs to be updated, we'll look at it soon.

> The simultaneous release participation requirements are an important part
> of the quality controls around the packages.

That's arguable and you recently mentioned in another that you don't like
discussions that argue about the value of SimRel ;)

Independent of this, according to my records, Eclipse Corrosion is overdue
> for a Release Review. Please initiate one immediately.

I'll take care of it soon. In the worst case, it's totally fine if we ship
the previous 0.4.2 version of Corrosion in the upcoming SimRel. But a 0.4.3
would indeed be better.
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