
I’m unclear on service releases. How will you be picking up the latest service 
release, or do we need a release record for it?


> On Aug 27, 2021, at 12:42 AM, Wayne Beaton 
> <wayne.bea...@eclipse-foundation.org> wrote:
> Greetings Folks.
> There's some potentially interesting content about reducing the burden of the 
> IP Due Diligence Process in this note. Please read to the bottom.
> I've created the Eclipse IDE 2021-09 Simultaneous Release Participation 
> <https://projects.eclipse.org/releases/2021-09> page. Please have a look to 
> ensure that I have the right version information for your project.
> Note that, Eclipse Generation Factories (EGF) has dropped out of this release 
> (as notified 
> <https://www.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/cross-project-issues-dev/msg18530.html>
>  by the project lead). I did notice that the aggrcon file for this project, 
> along with those for Eclipse XWT and Eclipse Papyrus (both of which dropped 
> out of the previous release) still exist in the aggregator repository. I have 
> a vague recollection that we are to expect at least one of them back, so I'll 
> defer to the repository managers to decide what to do with these files.
> As usual, I've tried to pick the version based on the date of the release. In 
> many/most cases, the page records that the same version that was included in 
> the last release is again included in this release. If your project's 
> contribution is a later release than what's indicated on the page, you will 
> need to create a release record for that later release (assuming that I 
> didn't just miss the one that's actually there), and let me know to use that 
> one instead. 
> If your project is contributing a new release that is more than a service 
> release and the project has not engaged in either a release or progress 
> review since September 15/2020, then you need to engage in a review. Contact 
> e...@eclipse.org <mailto:e...@eclipse.org> at your very earliest convenience 
> to get started. There's more information regarding releases and reviews 
> <https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#release> in the handbook.
> As you know, we take intellectual property management very seriously. As 
> committers, you form the first line of defense in the Eclipse Foundation's IP 
> Due Diligence Process <https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#ip> and so 
> we depend on you to bring intellectual property issues to the IP Team's 
> attention. Even if your project does not require a review at this time, the 
> intellectual property included in and referred to by it (both project and 
> third party content) does need to be vetted in the usual manner.
> I am hopeful that you have heard about our initiative to attempt to automate 
> the review of third-party content. We already have several projects using 
> this successfully, including a handful that have integrated it into their 
> builds. I've been running the Eclipse Dash License Tool 
> <https://github.com/eclipse/dash-licenses> on many of the repositories from 
> projects participating in the simultaneous release over the past several 
> months with good results. 
> One of the challenges that I'm having with the tool is that it only checks 
> dependencies, it does not discover them. I've had a lot of success using 
> build technology (e.g. Maven) to generate the list of dependencies, but have 
> encountered some cases where the dependency list generated by a build is 
> incomplete. It would be helpful if you could try the Eclipse Dash License 
> Tool on your builds and let me know (i.e., open an issue 
> <https://github.com/eclipse/dash-licenses>) where you encounter challenges 
> generating input to the tool.
> Note that there is an experimental feature that automatically creates review 
> requests for the IP Team via a repository on our new GitLab instance. It 
> would also be helpful to my team for you to try this out.
> Note also that the Eclipse Dash License Tool is intended to help committers 
> work through the Eclipse IP Due Diligence Process. It is not the final 
> authority on what does or does not need to be reviewed. As the first line of 
> defense in the IP Due Diligence Process, we depend on committers to interpret 
> the output of the tool and generally understand the nature of the project's 
> dependencies. Currently, for example, it doesn't handle "works with" 
> dependencies 
> <https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#ip-third-party-workswith> very 
> well; so if you know that something that the tool complains about is a "works 
> with" dependency, then you can ignore any warnings it gives.
> Taken from a different angle, the important thing is that intellectual 
> property is properly accounted for and vetted, not that the tool is happy 
> with what it finds. 
> Thanks,
> Wayne
> -- 
> Wayne Beaton
> Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation
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