I have created the release record for Linux Tools 8.7.0.  Thanks for the

-- Jeff J.

On Wed, Jun 8, 2022 at 3:32 PM Wayne Beaton <
wayne.bea...@eclipse-foundation.org> wrote:

> Greetings Simultaneous Release Committers!
> It's that time of quarter (actually I think that I'm at least several
> weeks late this time), where we have a quick look at the list of projects
> <https://projects.eclipse.org/releases/2022-06> that are participating in
> this iteration of the simultaneous release.
> I believe that what I've captured on the 2022-06 release page accurately
> reflects the information in the simrel (aggregator) repository. Let me know
> if I've gotten anything wrong.
> I've noted the following:
> Eclipse Mylyn is marked as disabled in its aggrcon file, so I've removed
> it from the participating projects list. Eclipse Mylyn Docs still has an
> active aggrcon file, so it remains.
> There's been recent work on Eclipse DLTK, but no updates to the aggrcon
> file. Is what we have listed on the page accurate?
> Eclipse Linux Tools needs a release record for 8.7. According to our
> records, the project engaged in a successful review in December 2021, so no
> further ceremony is required (that is, no release review or IP Log review
> is required).
> The aggrcon file for Eclipse Maven Integration for Web Tools shows a new
> service release with no corresponding release record. The project team can,
> at their discretion, create a release record for the new service release
> (or not). Note that a restructuring review
> <https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipsefdn/emo-team/emo/-/issues/308> is
> scheduled (to conclude after this release) to merge Eclipse Maven
> Integration for Web Tools into the Eclipse Maven Integration project; the
> result being that the subproject will cease to exist and there will be one
> fewer projects listed in the *next* release, but the corresponding
> functionality will remain.
> Is it time for Eclipse LSP4e, Eclipse LSP4j, Eclipse TM4E and Eclipse Wild
> Web Developer to graduate?
> While I have your attention... Please take note that a revision to the
> Eclipse Foundation's IP Policy is being delivered to the Board of Directors
> for their approval. Our expectation is that the revision will be approved
> and go into effect at the end of July 2022. There will be corresponding
> changes to the IP Due Diligence Process. We've *started* capturing the
> related work (which includes the retirement of IPZilla) in a Eclipse Help
> Desk Issue <https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipsefdn/helpdesk/-/issues/1194>.
> There's a presentation attached to the issue that describes the IP Policy
> changes. Please post any questions you have on that issue or one of the
> issues that it references.
> Thanks,
> Wayne
> --
> Wayne Beaton
> Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation
> My working day may not be your working day! Please don’t feel obliged to
> read or reply to this e-mail outside of your normal working hours.
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