I applaud and appreciate the investigation. It seems that GMail spam
filtering goes in waves; I go through periods where I find very few or no
misidentified emails, and then find dozens.

However, the message subject to GitLab, but the content that you reference
refers to GitHub.

AFAICT, messages sent from the Eclipse Foundation's GitLab instance do not
include this information (verified anecdotally from my inbox).

> Surely Eclipse should not be sending messages with such a provocative
junk tail?

To the best of my knowledge the EF does not have a means of controlling the
content of messages sent from GitHub. If you want the IT to investigate
options, I recommend that you open a Help Desk issue


On Thu, Jun 9, 2022 at 6:19 AM Ed Willink <e...@willink.me.uk> wrote:

> Hi
> I have been complaining recently about lost emails, particularly all
> those from gitlab, github and some from cross-project-dev.
> Problem solved. The lost emails have a tail that looks like:
> [ { "@context": "http://schema.org";, "@type": "EmailMessage",
> "potentialAction": { "@type": "ViewAction", "target":
> "https://github.com/eclipse-m2e/m2e-core/pull/735#issuecomment-1150841883","url":
> "https://github.com/eclipse-m2e/m2e-core/pull/735#issuecomment-1150841883";,
> "name": "View Pull Request" }, "description": "View this Pull Request on
> GitHub", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "GitHub",
> "url": "https://github.com"; } } ]
> The latest 'improved' Gmail spam filter is 'clever' enough to regard the
> tail gibberish as a Spam indicator, and so Thunderbird failed to
> download the messages for me.
> Unfortunately if you log on to Gmail, the Spam folder is not visible
> unless you scroll the folder list, so I was deceived into thinking there
> was no recoverable personal Spam just lost global Spam.
> Once I scrolled and opened the Spam folder, Eureka, there are all the
> lost emails (well 30 days worth). After marking a few as not-Spam, the
> filter was trained and 180 lost emails were available to Thunderbird.
> Bottom line. If you use Gmail, review your Spam folder because recent
> Eclipse communications have a junk tail that predisposes them to be
> treated as Spam.
> Surely Eclipse should not be sending messages with such a provocative
> junk tail?
>      Regards
>          Ed Willink
> --
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> https://www.avast.com/antivirus
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Wayne Beaton

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