Hey everyone,
As per
projects will be allowed to contribute to 2024-06 simrel content that
requires Java 21 and discussions about depending on Java 21 in projects
(for FFM are already happening). With the above said I think there are few
things due for the Planning council to do:
* Announce that Java 21 content will be allowed for 2024-06 simrel
* Make a decision when to update JustJ in EPPs to Java 21. Here there are 2
** Update JustJ in EPPs immediately so Java 21 is already into user hands
even though nothing will require it, thus integrators can freely stay on
Java 17 if they want
** Update right after 2024-03 release and start the new stream with JustJ
21 and Java 21 content allowed.

Let's discuss and make decisions for next steps at the next Planning
Council meeting on Feb 7th.
P.S. Committers are advised to contact their project's PLs, PMCs and
respective PMC's representatives in Planning Council (
https://eclipseide.org/working-group/planning-council/) if they want to
influence the decisions.
P.S. 2 Projects are free to decide on their own what their minimum
supported version is and Planning Council's decision is solely whether
certain content is allowed in Simrel but doesn't mandate a project to bump
or lower its requirements.

Aleksandar Kurtakov
Red Hat Eclipse Team
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