
As of today, the EMF Query [1] component of EMF Services is no longer part of the SimRel [2]. This does not affect the two other components of the project, EMF Validation & EMF Transaction, which do not depend on it.

As mentioned in the project page [3] and its README [4], this particular component has not been maintained for a while (the last significant code change dates from 2009-12-09 [5]).

Until yesterday, EMF Parsley still had an unused dependency on it, but that is now gone [6] (thanks Lorenzo).

I'm not aware of any project using this component, in the SimRel of elsewhere. If someone *is* actually using it then I'd be happy to let them maintain the component and re-integrate it. Please contact me in that case.

Pierre-Charles David (Obeo)

[1] https://github.com/eclipse-emfservices/emf-query
[2] https://github.com/eclipse-simrel/simrel.build/pull/309
[3] https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/modeling.emfservices
[4] https://github.com/eclipse-emfservices/emf-query/commit/e7a4db8b292dae69f96b9ff91c35f091a31d0634 [5] https://github.com/eclipse-emfservices/emf-query/commit/fdef30488196922b0a14cd6bc32c2533f9f589df
[6] https://github.com/eclipse-emf-parsley/emf-parsley/issues/93

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