Le 22/05/2024 à 23:56, Wayne Beaton via cross-project-issues-dev a écrit :
Greetings folks!

I've assembled the release information for participating projects here <https://projects.eclipse.org/releases/2024-06>.

A lot of the releases are quite old, and based on the activity in the simrel.build <https://github.com/eclipse-simrel/simrel.build> repository,  at least a few projects need to create some release records, and some may need to engage in a progress review (I've done my usual thing of making by best guess based on the release records in the system).

If your project is contributing a different release than what you see here, please ensure that you've created a release record <https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#pmi-commands-release>, and let me know.

- Ecore Tools will contribute version 3.5.1 (instead of 3.5.0)
- GMF Runtime will contribute version 1.16.4 (instead of 1.16.2)
- Sirius Desktop will contribute version 7.4.0, same as in 2024-03 (version 7.4.1 is late)

I've updated/completed the corresponding release records.

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