>  I could, if necessary, do a branch commit if there are in fact any
> files that are different.  But then I suppose the question is why not
> just do a branch in the first place.
>  But as described about, not until a change happens do you need a
> branch.  So what should probably be done is at the 'code freeze' time do
> a cvs tag can-1-8-0 or something.  Thus, if nothing changes, that can be
> tagged again as rel-1-8-0 ( can = candidate, rel=release).  So if
> changes are made to CVS head, no big deal - the can- tag is still there
> to get the files to release.  If a fix needs to be backported, the can-
> tag can be used to find the point to make the branch from.

Makes much sense, i'd support doing that.

>  If other people want to help with releases, that would be great. 
> Having a more frequent (quarterly) release schedule would also be good.
>  Even people taking some portiosn of the release (maps, archs) reduces
> the effort a bit on my side - those bits aren't really hard, but if I
> save myself 15 minutes, that is always nice.

*raises his hand to volunteer (assuming Windows handles correctly
scripts to make .tar.gz for releases)*


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