hv: remeber, each server has diffrent rules. PKing and
"abusive behavior" is 100% happy-good on Cat2 while it
is outlawed on MF. Hardcoding jail for such things
would be bad.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Mark Wedel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> :  For a long time, the thief skill stealing has
> been available, but the only use 
> :was the limited ability to steal from monsters.
> :
> :  With the addition of new fields in the map header
> for shops, it'd seem like it 
> :would not be possible to extend stealing to shops. 
> Not that the current headers 
> :are really in any way useful, but in a sense,
> because they sort of give an 
> :example of extending the shop attributes.
> :
> :  What I'd suggest then is fields like:
> :
> :steal_adjustment:  Represents how hard/easy it is
> to steal from this shop.  A 
> :positive value denotes it is easy, negative value
> means it is hard.
> :
> :max_steal_value: Maximum value of an object that
> can be stolen from this store. 
> :  Thus, if someone drops a 10,000 pp item in a shop
> easy to steal from (which 
> :normally has junky stuff), one wouldn't be able to
> steal it, because this value 
> :for the shop may be something like 10 pp.
> Maybe shops should refuse to buy such expensive
> items from players if they don't
> have the facilities to display them securely, or
> they should buy and immediately
> sell on to the nearest shop that does.
> :jail_map:  If the theif is caught, map where they
> are sent.  At least scorn has 
> :a jail if I recall - not sure if other maps.  But
> basically, get caught 
> :stealing, have to sit around for 5 (or more)
> minutes.  Easier shops would 
> :probably sentence you to less time.   This could be
> in the form of [EMAIL PROTECTED],y 
> :to denote coordinates to put the player into.
> I don't like the idea of automatic jail time - keep
> that for things that
> you *don't* want players to do, like pking and
> abusive behaviour.
> For game balance, I think it'd be enough to ban a
> thief from the local shops
> for a period of time (maybe around constant * (1 +
> log_2(item_value)) ticks).
> If more is needed, the shop keeper should call the
> guards - no loot, no exp,
> and guaranteed to be higher level than you. But I
> don't think it is needed.
> The rest sounds good to me.
> Hugo
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