Wouldn't what would happen is that the 'plugin' stuff
is ignored and gets broken and only things that are
used on MF worked on? That sounds like what this is
for, to slowly jettison that which MF does not use.

--- Yann Chachkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >Hello.
> Hi :)
> > I'm wondering about moving some parts of the code
> to plugins.
> > IMO things like weather system (excluding
> darkness-related things) could be moved to a plugin,
> and just hook to server core.
> > Random maps generation too could imo be moved.
> (particularly weather, as it's really optional,
> setting for that).
> >
> I agree - that's exactly for such purposes that I
> created the plugin system in the first place. It
> would allow to make a very clear separation between
> the "important", core code, and the fluff-n-fuzz
> glued around it. In the long run, I think it would
> contribute to make the code easier to maintain and
> to expand, as it would be divided in smaller chunks
> for a lot of tasks.
> > Actually, shouldn't the server be just a "core"
> with basic rules, and everything else moved to
> plugins?
> *I* think it should, even if it is not a trivial
> task for everything.
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