Mark Wedel wrote:

That said, trying to figure out what is optional or not is difficult. I'd venture to say a lot of people would say the random maps really are not optional (or if those are optional, what else is optional, like shops, monsters, etc)

Indeed. On this example, IMHO random maps are not optional, as they are essential to some quests, and also soon would be used by land plots (though land plots would in my opinion be a relatively good thing to implement as an optional-but-defaultly-on C plugin)

I'd think that if there is a C plugin, aside from the different passing in of the values, and using appropriate callbacks for functions instead of calling them directly, it could access the function data directly? Eg, it should need to do a plugin callback to set the dam of an object, it could just set ob->dam?

Personally, I think that a C plugin interface for modularization, it should provide full direct access to the data, though recommend use of wrappers functions unless you know it's safe.

 That said, the plugin itself won't fix all the ills.

To do that, more radical changes are needed in the basic functions as is, and that will break things.

For example, it was brought up the idea of meteor swarms and/or swimming. Doing those in plugins don't really fix anything.


Alex Schultz

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