Anton Oussik wrote:
Yes, it asks you something like

"Are you sure you want want to quit the character?",


"WARNING: You are about to delete the character!
Are you sure you want to completely delete the character and entirely
and irreversably remove all evidence that the character ever existed
for ever and ever?".

I think what Mikee was referring to is that the comfirmation message
does not look threatening enough. I agree, it is how I lost my first
ever two characters. :-)

Mark, would it be possible to make the "-split" option work on gtk-v2
client? It effectively allows the client to run on any screen
resolution, and allows users to position controls the way they like
it. I think the main reason so many people are still using gtk-v1
client is because it is able to better fit their needs.

Anything is possible. It'd be a bit of work if you want to load/save window size and position.

I'm also not 100% sure how well suited it is to do that - the layout is all done by glade, and I don't know if there is any reasonable way to do split windows and keep the glade interface design.

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