On 1/25/06, Miguel Ghobangieno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some CF programmers, such as Cave, would like to
> beable to reuse their code without having to recopy
> and paste what they have allready done (which would
> create bloated code if it was required).

The idea of separating the code into fairly well defined areas is
something I would support wholeheartedly, I don't think the current
tangle of functions is a desirable thing and would much rather some
functions were rearranged between files, to better reflect what they

In this I do not disagree with Tchize and Gros, however I am still
unconvinced by the case for a complex API to enforce such separation,
a well constructed layout of functions within files, created according
to how they are called in various places, would, I feel, help almost
as much without adding yet another thing to support that will quickly
become outdated.

> Modules would
> disallow this (bad) as they are not loaded untill they
> are called.

In an organisational change that would achieve the same effect, these
same functions would be marked static anyway, so this is a non-point.

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