On 1/29/06, Mark Wedel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would suggest the following mappings (for both binaries and package names)
> > crossedit -> crossedit
>   Arguably, crossedit should just disappear.  This, however, may become more 
> or
> less an issue depending on other changes (if a code restructuring means
> significant rewrites needed for crossedit, I could see more reason to get rid 
> of
> it.  OTOH, if that major rewrite makes it cleaner, then maybe more compelling
> reason to keep crossedit, or make a gtk replacement).

The problem is that at the moment there is no real replacement for
crossedit (CFJavaEditor doesn't work well enough, it doesn't even have
undo support).

I don't think that crossedit needs to be abandoned though, splitting
it out into a separately distributed tarball/CVS module would suffice,
if the functions that it uses from the server code are well
documented/commented, then any changes to these functions in the
server module should backport to crossedit as and when that is needed.
Meanwhile, the server/ common/ distinction could go, and everything be
rearranged more logically. (this would also have the advantage of
allowing crossedit to be ported to a modern toolkit without breaking
the server).

> > gcfclient -> crossfire-client
> > gcfclient2 -> crossfire-client2 (or crossfire-client-gtk2)
> > cfclient -> crossfire-client-x
>   I don't know if there is any official standard on this, but if anything, it
> would seem the standard is that it be toolkitname-program name.
>   Eg, gnome-terminal, xterm, etc.
>   It is a little unclear to me where gtk ends and gnome begins - on my 
> system, I
> see a lot of gnome-* programs, but not many gtk-* programs
>   But given that, I'd suggest gtk-crossfire-client, gtkv2-...,
> x-crossfire-client, etc to keep that naming convention.

The thing with this is that currently all distro packages are called
crossfire-client or crossfire-client-gtk. If I am on a debian (or
similar) system and install a program, I always try and run it using
the name of the package, only if that fails do I bother to grep the
filelist for bin/, sometimes if it is something I don't care about,
then I ignore it and find something else to do the job instead.

having the binary being tab-completable from the start of the package
name is a good thing, especially when the .desktop files aren't
installed properly.

of course, should there ever be a KDE client, then the rules change
somewhat, the name krossfire-klient would be obligatory.

>   Perhaps have a generic crossfire-client script that looks for the different
> programs and tries to run the 'best' one available.

I'd be interested to know how 'best' would be determined there.

> > CFJavaEditor -> jcrossedit
>   See note above about naming.  That said, I'd be a little less concerned 
> about
> this one, as I doubt there is as much confusion in this (at least on the unix
> side, you don't run it directly anyways - you're going to use ant or have to 
> do
> the java command by hand, so that is sort of hidden).

java -jar CFJavaEditor.jar

>   I don't in fact know if this can be reasonably assembled into a package or
> installed.  But once again, making a script called jcrossedit that runs the 
> with the needed flags (I recall the default memory sizes really aren't big
> enough) may be the way to really go here.

The default memory size is ok if you only open a couple of maps, and
is a lot better than it used to be since tchize fixed it a while back.

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