I think this is a good idea.

The problem of hihg leveled items to be sold at low plat, can be solved relatively easy: I dont know how the source code does this, but the idea is this: all items have a value (or variable, i supose) that store the selling prize in normal shops. So, you can set the minimun selling prize for player's shops at 1/3 less than normal shops. A sample of this could be: We have a Bonecrusher, and we can sell it for 300 platinum at a normal shop in Scorn, then, the minimun prize of Bonecrusher in our shop will be: 3000 - 3000 * 1/3 = 2000. So, the formulae can be [ Real_Prize - Real_Prize * 1/3 ].

I have write 1/3, but it can be more or less, it was just a sample.

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