My quick thougths on this:

 Crossfire+/crossfire2/schmorp should really come up with its own unique
name for the project, just as daimonin did when it split off.  Calling it
most anything with crossfire in its name is confusing.

crossfire+ isn't great, as isn't really clear what it is.
crossfire2 is even worse.  If you look at a lot of packaging for linux,
often packages are often called with their version names some multiple
versions can be installed at the same time (gtk and gtk2 being such

 Under a crossfire2 name, any rpms are sure to cause confusion.  I can't
think of any good reason why cf+ shouldn't change to a different name.

 Now certainly the metaserver probably should store more information.  And
there is certainly a longer run question of what all information should
it store - isn't really my goal to address that here.

 I would say that as long as the server is protocol compatible, it could
perhaps be listed.  But I'd probably have this as the list of rules:

1) Information it reports must be honest (player count, version, etc)
2) The standard crossfire client must be able to play on any listed
servers.  If a server has branched so that the standard crossfire client
can not play on that server due to various incompatiblities, it should not
be listed.
3) Any client that gets metaserver data must be able to play on the
standard crossfire server.  That is to say that if you write your own
client that isn't compatible in some way, it should not present invalid
choices to the player (if it has a good way to filter them, I suppose that
is OK then).
4) Any servers should be free and open, that is to say, not pay for use/play.

 I think there is another that I'm forgetting right now.

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