Replying to a top-level thread, because I didn't know where to put the 
stuff :)

What about a "balancing" mechanism, for stats and skills?

A player's skill would be defined by the relative exp (or whatever) of the 
considered skill.

Example: I'm level 30, with level 25 sorcery, level 5 one handed weapon, and 
other non combat skills. My "effective" sorcery level would be 25 * 30 / ( 25 
+ 5) so 30, my effective one handed weapon level is 5 * 30 / ( 25 + 5 ) so 5. 
Now if I become level 10 one handed weapon, my level becomes 21 (that is 25 * 
30 / ( 25 + 10 )) sorcery , and 8 (10 * 30 / 35) one handed weapon.

If we keep the max 110 level cap, you can only effectively max one skill. If 
you gain exp in another (combat) skill, you "decrease" in this skill.

Thus you effectively become what you play. The "reducing" could be seen 
as "you don't train enough, so you kind of lose some stuff".

This could also be true for stats: if you have ~25 everywhere, you are kind of 
median. If you have 30 str and ~20 to other stats, you have a big str bonus. 
If you are 30 str and pow and ~20 elsewhere, you have a nice str/pow bonus, 
but less than 30 pow alone.

The "raw" skills/stats values could of course still be used for requirements, 
or things like that.

Just my 2 cents :)

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de l'aléatoire !]

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