Hello,  I just play the game Crossfire, I don't write much,
but I was wondering about the Tower of Vim/ Elven Moon quest, World 110_128, 
just to the right of Lake Country,

It seems the entrance was missing, and also that there was no way to get to the 
lower levels back in troll canyon, the elven moon counterpart quest,

The quest was very exciting, and I wondered if it was finished, or what was 
going on with it.

I apologize if this email is irrelevant to you, I was having trouble finding 
the right email to mail to online, and the quest was too good to not say 

Plus, we need more interesting bows in Crossfire and I think there's one in 
that quest :D

I play on the Metalforge Server.

All The Best,

"A man who won't die for something is not fit to live"

-Martin Luther King, Jr.
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