On 11/ 3/13 03:03 PM, Kevin Zheng wrote:
On 11/03/2013 13:36, Mark Wedel wrote:
  Just a question - is there any way to set up 'global' keybindings (eg,
those that apply to all characters)?

This does seem useful. One possible idea to throw around is to make the
key bindings window tabbed, one for per-character and one for global. If
there's a conflict, prefer the per-character binding.

Of course, this is easier said than done.

True on both accounts. Having per character keybindings take preference over global ones would be the correct approach. However, in an ideal world, both are visible, so one could easily see the conflict and make adjustments.

 Note that it appears this patch introduces a new bug, as posted on the forums:

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:51 pm
Post subject : Compatibility with new character-specific keybindings?   
I updated my trunk client to the newest version (r19093), which has the character-specific keybindings as a feature. When I logged into Metalforge with the new client, absolutely no keybindings work (not even the default ones). Any keybindings I try to create go to a (null).keys file and do not persist to another login.
When I log into netarbeiter (1.70.0), my keybindings work fine.

Does this mean the newest trunk client is incompatible with the 1.12 branch? Or am I doing something wrong?

I suspect the issue is that metalforge is running old code, which predates the new character login logic. As such, the client never has a character name of which to load keybindings for (and I haven't looked, but depending on where the load actually happens, perhaps never load them at all.

I suppose it is somewhat lucky in this case that the client is just not core dumping - this really depends on the implementation of libc and what happens when a null value is passed to *printf function
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