Hi all. I'm a long time CF player who has mostly lurked. I've played on and off since 94 or so. I did some map work ages ago but never submitted any.

Anyway recently I've been focussing on doing work on CF. Since I'm not great at C I have been playing mostly with plugins and maps.

Anyway I've been having fun building a new world over the last few months. I modified the 'land' utility a little and have played a lot with different land forms. My modified version is called 'bigland' and allows for the creation of quite large land forms. I've written a script which calls bigland and records the parameters used in a file so they can be reproduced later.

I've created a new world running on my server which is 1000x1000 maps. I started small but gradually made bigger and bigger land forms. There are reasons I went and built a world this big that I can go in to later.

That's really just an intro...

Since finalising the world I wanted I've been adding cities, roads, dungeons, etc. I built one city and then decided it was too close to the portal from the old world so I turned it into a ruined city. I put a few monsters in the ruined city - giant rats, some undead and others. For the most part they stay in the city but they may harass travellers on the road that passes by the ruined city.

I also put in mice :) I had wondered whether monsters would move between tiles on a world map. I have my answer now :) The mice are spreading like a plague on my new world map - passing well beyond the original one or two maps I placed them on. They are even activiting new maps which surprised me a bit. They are definitely spreading to maps that none of our characters have visited recently.

At this stage they have only been going for about 12 hours but have already filled 30-40 maps.

Of course I could restart CF to clear the problem but I've decided to leave it for a while to see what happens :) I suppose eventually number of active objects will cause problems but this is only a private server with two active players and regular backups so we're all good.

Anyway you will be hearing more of me as I'll be submitting my work. I suspect few players will want a full 1000x1000 map world as it stands since it takes up roughly 100GB storage.

I was thinking that a lot of space could be saved if the game tried to open a compressed map if it did not find an uncompressed map at the location specified when it tried to open a map. Using xz (or similar) compression on maps would be a huge storage saver and would not be very cpu expensive.

I'll tell you know how my mouse plague turns out :p



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