Yes. Here, there are nested objects. Every "Object" has a matching
"end", and so the first example is an "Altar of Valkyrie" containing a
Python "pray_event" that gets triggered when a player prays.

Hope that helps,

On 4/8/19 9:19 AM, Bob Tanner wrote:
> Working on a project and I’m parsing the .arc files for crossfire and I
> finding some files with entries I cannot understand. 
> I’d like to know if there’s a reason for these entries or if I need to
> change the code that is parsing the entries to handle these side cases.
> Couple examples.
> gods/altars/altarvalk.arc
> Object altar_valkyrie
> name Altar of Valkyrie
> other_arch Valkyrie
> type 56
> face altarvalk.111
> no_pick 1
> level 100
> arch altar_valkyrie_pray_event
> end
> end
> Object altar_valkyrie_pray_event
> title Python
> slaying /python/gods/
> type 116
> subtype 1
> end
> Is the double “end” necessary? Bug? Typo?
> Another example
> ground/temp_summon_fog.arc
> Object temp_summon_fog
> name fog
> face fog.111
> animation temp_fog
> type 67
> move_type fly_low
> no_pick 1
> is_used_up 1
> resist_fire 100
> resist_electricity 100
> resist_confusion 100
> resist_acid 100
> resist_drain 100
> resist_weaponmagic 100
> resist_ghosthit 100
> resist_poison 100
> resist_slow 100
> resist_paralyze 100
> resist_turn_undead 100
> resist_fear 100
> resist_cancellation 100
> resist_deplete 100
> resist_death 100
> material 1
> changing 1
> blocksview 1
> weight 100000
> value 1
> speed 0.5
> arch event_destroy
> name GenerateFog
> title Python
> slaying /python/
> end
> end
> The double ends seems to happen with the “title Python”.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> ---
> Bob Tanner < <>>        
>   | Phone : 952-943-8700
>, Linux, macOS      | Fax   : 952-943-8500
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