Hi, I've created and pushed the "next" branches to our repositories (crosswalk, blink-crosswalk and chromium-crosswalk). The next branch is based on chromium 34.0.1809.0 and at some point is going to hit Crosswalk master and will be the chromium version for Crosswalk 5.
I was able to rebase most of the patches however 7 couldn't apply trivially. Please check the status document to verify if you don't have work to do (anyway the authors are in CC) : https://docs.google.com/a/intel.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApeGmzZEJ05GdFBOWHBtSmM1UzE1bDlUUkRJdWgyX0E&usp=drive_web Even if you are not in the list your help is needed. As today, Linux works just fine (thanks to who helped me), all the tests are passing but other platforms needs your help. At this time Android, Tizen (IVI and Mobile), Windows and Mac are unknown. I'm planning to work on these in the following days (up until I leave on vacations). So you want to help? It's easy to checkout and run the "next" branch : https://github.com/crosswalk-project/crosswalk-website/wiki/Downstream-Chromium#wiki-working-on-the-next-branch You can hack on it and submit PR targeting the next branch of each repos, I'll be happy (with Raphael) to work on merging them. Let's focus on getting next in shape so that we can move forward and continue the usual work. Thanks. -- Alexis Menard
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