LGTM. Thanks for satisfy high performance needs like RealSense.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Crosswalk-dev
> [mailto:crosswalk-dev-boun...@lists.crosswalk-project.org] On Behalf Of Hu,
> Ningxin
> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 7:06 PM
> To: Liang, Zhenyu; 'crosswalk-dev@lists.crosswalk-project.org'
> Subject: Re: [Crosswalk-dev] Intent to Implement: Binary Messaging Interface
> for Crosswalk External Extension
> > Yes, certainly.
> I assume it means LGTM from you. :) Thanks!
> >
> > Since I'm neither architect nor owner, you need to get LGTMs from them
> > :-)
> Ping @Halton for extension, @Lin for Android and @Alexis for overall. Please
> take a look.
> Thanks,
> -ningxin
> >
> > On 7/17/15 17:44 , "Hu, Ningxin" <ningxin...@intel.com> wrote:
> >
> > >Hi Zhenyu,
> > >
> > >>
> > >> My suggestion is to introduce a new version of current messaging
> > >>interface  instead of a whole new interface.
> > >>
> > >> struct XW_MessagingInterface_2 {
> > >>
> > >>   void (*Register)(XW_Extension extension, XW_HandleMessageCallback
> > >> handle_message);
> > >>   void (*PostMessage)(XW_Instance instance, const char* message);
> > >>
> > >>   void (*RegisterBinaryMessageCallback)(XW_Extension extension,
> > >> XW_HandleBinaryMessageCallback handle_message);
> > >>   void (*PostBinaryMessage)(XW_Instance instance, const char*
> > >> message, const size_t size); };
> > >>
> > >
> > >Thanks for your suggestion.
> > >
> > >XW_MessagingInterface_2 looks better than
> > >XW_BinaryMessagingInterface_1, as the binary messaging API is an
> > >enhancement to the async messaging interface. And it looks consistent
> > >to
> > Java API proposal.
> > >
> > >I will integrate this change into my design.
> > >
> > >With this change, does it look good you?
> > >
> > >Thanks,
> > >-ningxin
> > >
> > >> Thanks,
> > >>
> > >> Zhenyu
> > >>
> > >> On 7/16/15 15:25 , "Hu, Ningxin" <ningxin...@intel.com> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> >Intent to Implement: Binary Messaging Interface for Crosswalk
> > >> >External Extension
> > >> >
> > >> >Description:
> > >> >Today's Crosswalk external extension API only provides text based
> > >> >messaging interface. However, coming use cases require the
> > >> >external extension native code to exchange binary data with JavaScript
> code.
> > >> >For example, an external extension wants to transfer the images
> > >> >stream from native to JavaScript in real-time (30FPS at least).
> > >> >With today's external extension messaging API, the extension has
> > >> >to encode the binary image data into text in native first, posts
> > >> >to JavaScript and then decodes from the text to binary data in
> > >> >JavaScript. The encoding, decoding (in
> > >> >JavaScript!) and increased message size leads to low performance.
> > >> >Experiment shows by using base64 to transfer VGA (640x480) images,
> > >> >this approach can only deliver less 10 FPS on mainstream PC.
> > >> >The binary messaging interface is proposed to added into Crosswalk
> > >> >external extension API. It allows native code to exchange binary
> > >> >data (a byte array) to JavaScript without unnecessary
> > encoding/decoding.
> > >> >JavaScript receives an ArrayBuffer object and can access the
> > >> >binary data via different Typed Array View. Vice versa, JavaScript
> > >> >can send the binary data in an ArrayBuffer object to native,
> > >> >native code receives a byte array.
> > >> >Prototype shows 3X-8X (binary messaging vs. text messaging)
> > >> >performance speedup when transferring different size of data on
> > >> >both PC and mobile device. Initial data shows with binary
> > >> >messaging interface, an external extension is able to transfer VGA
> > >> >images at
> > 60FPS on PC.
> > >> >
> > >> >Affected component: Crosswalk External Extension
> > >> >
> > >> >Related feature:
> > >> >https://crosswalk-project.org/jira/browse/XWALK-4615
> > >> >
> > >> >Target release: Crosswalk-17
> > >> >
> > >> >Implementation details:
> > >> >1. Interface change:
> > >> >For Crosswalk External Extension C API, a new interface
> > >> >XW_BinaryMessagingInterface_1 will be added. To keep API  and ABI
> > >> >compatibility with existing external extension, a new file
> > >> >(extensions/public/XW_Extension_BinaryMessage.h) will be added to
> > >> >contain the XW_BinaryMessagingInterface_1 interface. The
> > >> >XW_BinaryMessagingInterface_1 looks like:
> > >> >
> > >> >//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > >> >//
> > >> >///
> > >> >///
> > >> >/////////////////
> > >> >#ifdef __cplusplus
> > >> >extern "C" {
> > >> >#endif
> > >> >
> > "XW_BinaryMessagingInterface_1"
> > >> >
> > >> >typedef void (*XW_HandleBinaryMessageCallback)(XW_Instance
> > >> >instance,
> > >> >
> > >> >                               const char* message,
> > >> >
> > >> >                               const size_t size);
> > >> >
> > >> >struct XW_BinaryMessagingInterface_1 {
> > >> >   void (*Register)(XW_Extension extension,
> > >> >
> XW_HandleBinaryMessageCallback
> > >> >handle_message);
> > >> >
> > >> >   void (*PostMessage)(XW_Instance instance, const char* message,
> > >> >const size_t size); };
> > >> >
> > >> >typedef struct XW_BinaryMessagingInterface_1
> > >> >XW_BinaryMessagingInterface;
> > >> >
> > >> >#ifdef __cplusplus
> > >> >}  // extern "C"
> > >> >#endif
> > >> >//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > >> >//
> > >> >///
> > >> >///
> > >> >////////////////
> > >> >
> > >> >If the C extension wants to use binary messaging, it needs to
> > >> >query the "XW_BinaryMessagingInterface_1" interface and use the
> > >> >PostMessage method to post binary data to JavaScript. On other
> > >> >hand, it needs to register a XW_HandleBinaryMessageCallback to
> > >> >receive binary data from
> > >> JavaScript.
> > >> >
> > >> >For Crosswalk external extension Android Java API, two methods
> > >> >will be added into XWalkExtensionClient interface:
> > >> >
> > >> >//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > >> >//
> > >> >///
> > >> >///
> > >> >///////////////
> > >> >
> > >> >public void onBinaryMessage(int extensionInstanceID, byte[]
> > >> >message);
> > >> >
> > >> >public final void postBinaryMessage(int instanceID, byte[]
> > >> >message);
> > >> >
> > >> >//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > >> >//
> > >> >///
> > >> >///
> > >> >//////////////
> > >> >
> > >> >Java extension which inherits XWalkExtensionClient can use
> > >> >postBinaryMesssage to post binary data to JavaScript and
> > >> >implements onBinaryMessage to receive binary data from JavaScript.
> > >> >
> > >> >No new APIs will be added into Crosswalk extension JavaScript API.
> > >> >When native external extension posts binary message, the
> > >> >JavaScript message listener receives an ArrayBuffer object.
> > >> >When JavaScript invokes extension.postMessage with an ArrayBuffer
> > >> >object as argument, the native binary message listener is invoked.
> > >> >
> > >> >This proposal doesn't cover binary messaging support in
> > >> >SyncMessage, as there is no obvious use case.
> > >> >
> > >> >Sample code:
> > >> >An external extension wants to transfer image data to JavaScript.
> > >> >To transfer structured data, the extension can use simple custom
> > >> >binary message format as this sample shows. Or it can leverage
> > >> >more sophisticated binary format, e.g. Google's Protocol Buffer
> > >> >(https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/).
> > >> >C++:
> > >> >//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > >> >//
> > >> >///
> > >> >///
> > >> >/////////////
> > >> >// image binary format
> > >> >// uint32_t width;
> > >> >// uint32_t height;
> > >> >// char data[width * height * 4];
> > >> >
> > >> >static const XW_BinaryMessagingInterface* g_binary_messaging =
> > >> >    get_interface(XW_BINARY_MESSAGING_INTERFACE);
> > >> >.....
> > >> >size_t buffer_size = sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint32_t) +
> > >> >width*height*4*sizeof(char);
> > >> >char* buffer = new char[buffer_size ];
> > >> >uint32_t* uint32_array = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buffer);
> > >> >uint32_array[0] = image.width();
> > >> >uint32_array[1] = image.height();
> > >> >char* data = buffer + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t);
> > >> >image.CopyImageData(data);
> > >> >g_binary_messaging->postMessage(instance,
> > >> >buffer, buffer_size); delete[] buffer;
> > >> >//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > >> >//
> > >> >///
> > >> >///
> > >> >/////////////
> > >> >
> > >> >JavaScript:
> > >> >//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > >> >//
> > >> >///
> > >> >///
> > >> >/////////////
> > >> >extension.setMessageListener(function(msg) {
> > >> >  if (msg instaceof ArrayBuffer) {
> > >> >     var uint32_view = new Uint32Array(msg);
> > >> >     var width = uint32_view[0];
> > >> >     var height = uint32_view[1];
> > >> >     var data = new Uint8Array(msg, 8, width*height*4);
> > >> >     ....
> > >> >  }
> > >> >}
> > >> >//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > >> >//
> > >> >///
> > >> >///
> > >> >////////////
> > >> >
> > >> >Details:
> > >> >It doesn't require to modify Crosswalk Core Extension code
> > >> >(XWalkExtensionModule), as V8ValueConverter already supports to
> > >> >convert a base::BinaryValue object to V8 ArrayBuffer object and
> > >> >vice
> > versa.
> > >> >
> > >> >It mainly requires to modify the external extension components, to
> > >> >expose the binary interface and convert the binary data to
> > >> >base::BinaryValue and vice versa.
> > >> >
> > >> >For C external extension, files to be modified:
> > >> >extensions/common/xwalk_external_adapter.cc
> > >> >extensions/common/xwalk_external_adapter.h
> > >> >extensions/common/xwalk_external_extension.cc
> > >> >extensions/common/xwalk_external_extension.h
> > >> >extensions/common/xwalk_external_instance.cc
> > >> >extensions/common/xwalk_external_instance.h
> > >> >extensions/extensions.gyp
> > >> >
> > >> >new file:
> > >> >extensions/public/XW_Extension_BinaryMessage.h
> > >> >
> > >> >For Java external extension, files to be modified:
> > >> >app/android/runtime_client/src/org/xwalk/app/runtime/extension/XWa
> > >> >lk
> > >> >Cor
> > >> >eEx
> > >> >tensionBridge.java
> > >> >app/android/runtime_client/src/org/xwalk/app/runtime/extension/XWa
> > >> >lk
> > >> >Ext
> > >> >ens
> > >> >ionClient.java
> > >> >app/android/runtime_client/src/org/xwalk/app/runtime/extension/XWa
> > >> >lk
> > >> >Ext
> > >> >ens
> > >> >ionContextClient.java
> > >> >app/android/runtime_client/src/org/xwalk/app/runtime/extension/XWa
> > >> >lk
> > >> >Run
> > >> >tim
> > >> >eExtensionBridge.java
> > >> >app/android/runtime_client/src/org/xwalk/app/runtime/extension/XWa
> > >> >lk
> > >> >Run
> > >> >tim
> > >> >eExtensionManager.java
> > >> >extensions/android/java/src/org/xwalk/core/internal/extensions/XWa
> > >> >lk
> > >> >Ext
> > >> >ens
> > >> >ionAndroid.java
> > >> >extensions/common/android/xwalk_extension_android.cc
> > >> >extensions/common/android/xwalk_extension_android.h
> > >> >runtime/android/core_internal/src/org/xwalk/core/internal/XWalkExt
> > >> >en
> > >> >sio
> > >> >nIn
> > >> >ternal.java
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >Thanks,
> > >> >-ningxin
> > >> >
> > >> >_______________________________________________
> > >> >Crosswalk-dev mailing list
> > >> >Crosswalk-dev@lists.crosswalk-project.org
> > >> >https://lists.crosswalk-project.org/mailman/listinfo/crosswalk-dev
> > >
> _______________________________________________
> Crosswalk-dev mailing list
> Crosswalk-dev@lists.crosswalk-project.org
> https://lists.crosswalk-project.org/mailman/listinfo/crosswalk-dev
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