Hi, everyone,

As some of you might have already noticed, master (Crosswalk 18) has
moved from Chromium 46.0.2490.86 to 48.0.2564.79. That's pretty close to
48.0.2564.82, which was released yesterday and became the first M48
stable release upstream (we're already working on moving to .82).

Skipping M47 and moving directly to M48 required quite a lot of effort,
so thanks to everyone who's helped with the rebase.

https://github.com/crosswalk-project/crosswalk/pull/3498 contains a
fairly long description of what has changed, so I'll just list the most
important topics here:

 * The ozone-wayland repository is no longer being pulled in, as we have
   stopped maintaining the Linux Ozone-Wayland configuration for now.

 * Presentation API support is currently broken and the tests have been
   temporarily disabled. The existing extension will be replaced by code
   that integrates the Chromium implementation, which has started
   shipping in M48. This is being tracked in XWALK-4646.

 * When checking out Crosswalk for Android, we no longer skip
   downloading the Google Play services library pulled by the Chromium
   code. This was caused by two factors:
   1. The upstream code has become more friendly towards dowstreams like
   us and does not try to fetch files only accessible within Google's
   intranet when CHROME_HEADLESS=1 (ie. bots).
   2. Given the above, maintaining the hacks and workarounds to avoid
   fetching that library is not worth it.
   One important consequence is that users will be prompted to accept
   the Google Play services library's EULA once, and not accepting it
   will make the build fail (a directory needed by gyp will not be
   present). Anyone willing to avoid the prompt (when automating
   Crosswalk's build, for example) needs to set the CHROME_HEADLESS
   environment variable and make sure it is OK to automatically accept
   the EULA.

Happy hacking!
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