Hi, everyone,

Crosswalk 18 has just been branched off master and promoted to the beta
channel. The first beta release will be 18.48.477.1. We did experience a
delay in branching again, but it has been much shorter than what we had
for Crosswalk 17.

As usual, please keep in mind the following:
* Make sure your bug fixes go into the crosswalk-18 branch.
* Check your open pull requests and determine whether they need to be
  backported to crosswalk-18 once they land in master.
* Only P1 bug and security fixes go into the crosswalk-17 branch.
* New Crosswalk 17 beta builds will only be made on demand.

At this time, Crosswalk 16 has *NOT* been promoted to the stable channel
yet. In practice, this means Crosswalk 16 is still our stable release,
Crosswalk 17 is in beta but new builds will only be done on demand,
Crosswalk 18 is in beta and new beta builds will be done automatically
on a daily basis and Crosswalk 19 is in our canary channel.

Happy hacking!
Crosswalk-dev mailing list

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