Thanks Alexis,

and I was so sure that android for crosswalk would build directly on blink while only the desktop versions use the content module. Then it makes perfect sense that my searches failed :-)

Thus, looking for all usages of the 'content API' would show me how blink/chromium is embedded in crosswalk.

Thanks a bunch,

Am 26.05.2016 um 16:44 schrieb Alexis Menard:

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 7:40 AM, Harald Stepputtis
<> wrote:
Hi all,

I am just starting to look into the crosswalk-project.
For starters, I wanted to see how crosswalk has embedded Blink.
If I am not mistaken, crosswalk builds directly on top of Blink by
implementing the blink platform API. I wanted to see how this was done.
We sit on top of content module so the blink platform API is already

You can look
which is the chromium repo we use (blink + chromium).

We do not rely on chrome/ directory.

But I am already lost before I have started since I dont know where to find
these implementation files.
I have followed for
building 'crosswalk for android' (opposed to the desktop versions).
Now I have what I think is the complete crosswalk source code.

But I can not find where e.g. blink::Platform is implemented. I have browsed
the code using grep but can not find anything related to crosswalks
implementation of the blink platform API.
content/ directory.

Any pointers where to find this?

Any help is appreciated,

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