Cryptography-Digest Digest #473, Volume #12      Fri, 18 Aug 00 03:13:01 EDT

  Re: Not really random numbers (Anthony Stephen Szopa)
  Re: The quick brown fox... (Mike Brown)


From: Anthony Stephen Szopa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Not really random numbers
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 23:30:08 -0700

James Felling wrote:
> Anthony Stephen Szopa wrote:
> > James Felling wrote:
> > >
> > > > <snip>
> > >
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > I must state this.  Files of this nature can be manufactured by other 
>PRNG's.  They
> > > > > will be manufactured as quickly if not more so, and as securely, if not more 
>so.  May I
> > > > > suggest an apropriately tweaked RC4, or BBS for your use.  The issue is it 
>will take ~1
> > > > > hour of operator time to start generating good data with your mechanism, and 
>it will
> > > > > also take more than a bit of time after that to actually generate the 
>numbers.  OTOH,
> > > > > it will take 1 minute to setup a good RC4 generator, and it will have 
>generated a
> > > > > reasonable quantity of data( equivalent to your files) in under a half 
>hour.( I think
> > > > > the fact that it takes less of MY time, and is done before OAP/OAR gets 
>started is a
> > > > > HUGE advantage.)  BBS is slower, but substantially more secure.  It will 
>probably take
> > > > > 5 minutes of my time to setup, and generate an amount of data sulficient to 
>be useful
> > > > > in several hours. This is speed wise compeditive with your system, and is 
>going to be
> > > > > more secure than your system  in general.
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > >
> > > > <snip>
> > >
> > > >
> > > > > RC4, BBS, and all others when saved to files encrypt just as fast as your 
>method -- The
> > > > > issue for the user is forufold
> > > > >
> > > > > 1) how much of my( the user) time do I wish to invest. (ideally as little as 
> > > > >
> > > > > 2)how much computer time do I wish to invest (ideally as little as possible)
> > > > >
> > > > > 3) how much space on my machine/ the remote machine do I want to use for 
>this, (
> > > > > ideally as little as posssible)
> > > > >
> > > > > 4) How long is key data going to be lurking in an available form in 
>my/remote PC. (
> > > > > ideally for as short a period as possible)
> > > > >
> > > > > versus RC4 you lose on all 4 points.
> > > > > versus BBS you lose on points 1,3,4 and cannot deliver  security with an 
> > > > > degree of confidence.
> > > > >
> > > > > You have a second rate stream cypher -- it is slower than most BLOCK 
>algroithims.  I
> > > > > admit that using large "random files" will give a speed enhancement, but 
>they add
> > > > > secondary points of attack to your algorithim, and any other stream cypher, 
>and most
> > > > > block cyphers can do the same trick faster.
> > > >
> > > > I think your confidence level is not warranted.
> > > >
> > > > "is going to be more secure than your system in general."  This is
> > > > clearly over reaching.
> > >
> > > Does your system have a mathematic proof which indicates that a break of the 
>system is
> > > equivalent to the solution of the QRP problem? Or tying a its dificulty of 
>breaking to the
> > > same?  If so then feel free to attack BBS, but for well chosen values BBS has a 
>known minimum
> > > level of security, and cannot have "bad keys".  Your system can have bad keys, 
>and has no
> > > minimum guaranteed security level.  I feel that this results in a system " more 
>secure in
> > > general" than yours.
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > "1) how much of my( the user) time do I wish to invest. "  This is
> > > > certainly a (modest) concern.  It is answered by asking yourself how
> > > > much more secure is OAP-L3 than other methods.
> > >
> > > It is no more secure than any other PRNG.  It is less secure than BBS( in 
>general) and can
> > > probably compare to RC4 with a sulficient investment of operator time. OTOH RC4 
>is faster,
> > > takes less effort to setup properly, and is simpler to use for equivalent 
>quality random
> > > numbers.
> > >
> > > > As you should know,
> > > > OAP-L3 uses no mathematical equations in generating random numbers.
> > >
> > > Really?
> > >
> > > >
> > > > There is no modulo operation, for instance.
> > >
> > > None by that name -- but you do out put your numbers with discarded values( I 
>believe any
> > > value of 3*255 or higher is discarded in post processing when you are combining 
>the three
> > > streams -- if that is not mudulo truncation what is it?
> > >
> > > > In other words, there
> > > > are no inherent constraints in the random number generation process.
> > >
> > > Please define "constraints" -- I think you constrain your generator in any 
>number of ways --
> > >
> > > >
> > > > With no constraints there is no way to trivialize cracking the
> > > > random number generator.
> > >
> > > There are no such known ways of using such versus any other crypto grade PRNG
> > >
> > > >  This may make the additional time worth
> > > > it.  Besides, the time need be invested only once since you will be
> > > > able to generate more random numbers than you could ever possibly
> > > > need with very very little additional effort.
> > > >
> > > > "2)how much computer time do I wish to invest?" This point also
> > > > addresses the limited cost of using OAP-L3.  You cannot simply look
> > > > at cost.  As above you must look at what you are getting for your
> > > > cost. See below.
> > > >
> > > > "3) how much space on my machine/ the remote machine do I want to use
> > > > for this,..."  This is a valid cost concern.  See below.
> > > >
> > > > "4) How long is key data going to be lurking in an available form in
> > > > my/remote PC."  This is valid security concern.
> > > >
> > > > Here is my response to the remaining concerns:
> > > >
> > > > You may be aware that OAP-L3 Version 4.1 / 4.2 is the original
> > > > implementation of the theory / concept.  This implementation has
> > > > the cost concerns that you have a legitimate reason to point out.
> > > > And you may not be willing to incur these costs.
> > > >
> > > > My proposed implementation for Version 5.0 is available at
> > > > from the What's Ahead web page.
> > > >
> > > > Version 5.0 is explained in detail in the files available for
> > > > download by clicking the blue anchors located at the bottom of
> > > > this page:  Version 5.0 Tables file and the associated Version
> > > > 5.0 Text file.
> > > >
> > > > Version 5.0 will not require you to generate random number files
> > > > beforehand.  Permanent hard drive space will not be required because
> > > > the key / encryption data will be kept on floppy.  This pretty much
> > > > dispels #2, #3, & #4.
> > > >
> > > > I addressed #1 initially, above.
> > > >
> > > > Depending on which variation of version 5.0 one uses, the
> > > > encryption time will vary.
> > > >
> > > > Here is a brief description.  Full details by clicking the blue
> > > > anchors at the bottom of the What's Ahead web page.
> > > >
> > > > ("E" notation means that a number expressed as 5E6 = 5 x 10^6 or
> > > > 5,000,000.)
> > > >
> > > > With only 2920 data bytes you will be able to generate 9.2E15 random
> > > > numbers from 0 - 255 with a security level equivalent to 2000 bits;
> > >
> > > RC4 with a combiner
> > >
> > > with only 300 data bytes get security equivalent to 2000+ bits
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > or with only 4600 data bytes you will be able to generate 2.3E17
> > > > random numbers from 0 - 255 with a security level equivalent to
> > > > 10,000 bits;
> > >
> > > RC4 with a combiner
> > >
> > > with only 2000 data bytes get security greater than 10000 bits
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > or with only 1,271,000 data bytes (fits on one floppy) you will be
> > > > able to generate 1.3E36 random numbers from 0 - 255 with a security
> > > > level equivalent to 100,000 bits.
> > >
> > > Imagine typing in 1271000 random characters.  Sound fun to you. It sure does not 
>sound fun to
> > > me.
> > >
> > > RC4 with a combiner
> > >
> > > with only 20000 bytes of data get security superior to 100000 bits.
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > The Version 5.0 Tables file and the associated Version 5.0 Text file
> > > > describe how this is done.
> > > >
> > > > You don't need to keep the key / encryption data on your computer.
> > > > Keep it on a floppy disk.
> > >
> > > Get the floppy stolen and copied. You still have a single point of failure which 
> > > the whole system, and which cannot easily be rekeyed.
> > >
> > > >  Insert it when needed then remove.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for your consideration.
> > >
> > > You just don't get it. your method is less effective, more difficult, and slower 
>than other
> > > public domain methods.  Why should it be used?
> >
> > I said you are over reaching.  What do you mean by less effective and
> > support why OAP-L3 is less effective?
> Less effective is fairly easily defined:  Given a specific quantity of input key, 
>how random is the
> output ( your method thends to need more keying data to achive a given level of 
>entropy than many
> others).
> Annother definition of effective that is useful to examine is how many "weak keys" 
>exist in a given
> method. Your method possesses numerous weak keys -- if the user selects poorly, he 
>may get very
> poor random numbers from your system, BBS or RC4 if properly implemented will always 
>give a stream
> of numbers of known minimum quality.
> A third useful form of effectiveness that you have issues with is key agility.  
>Assuming that you
> learn that your key is compromised, but also need send data ASAP.  To set your 
>system up( properly)
> will take a highly skilled operator on a fast PC a half hour, while RC4 can be 
>swithched keys and
> transmiting on an alternate key in less than a minute( assuming an equally skilled 
>operator), and
> BBS in less than 5 minutes.  Maybe your data isn't that urgent, but if it is which 
>delay will be
> more acceptable.
> A fourth form of effectiveness that your system needs work on is operator time 
>consumption -- as an
> employer would you rather have your employee spend 30 minutes focused on a rekey 
>every keying cycle
> or would you rather have them focused for 1 to 2  minutes, and available for the 
>extra 20 odd
> minutes to perform other tasks?
> >  Are you saying it is less
> > secure.
> Yes.  Where is your proof of security? Who other than yourself will speak up in 
>favor of your
> claims?
> > I say OAP-L3 is more secure because there are no inherent
> > constraints in the random number generation process and therefore no
> > constraints can be exploited to trivialize the cracking of the random
> > number process.
> What does "no inherent constraints" mean in this context.  In what way are BBS or 
>RC4 "constrained"
> or "restricted" in their output? How do their inherent properties constrain the 
>values that they
> output in any real sense? How can this be used to "trivialize" the cracking of those 
> >
> > You cannot just say "less effective" in a vacuum.  You must state
> > the proposed use for the software.  What application did you have in
> > mind?  Encrypting email messages?
> I might use it for encrypting e-mail messages if I felt particularly massocistic. It 
>could be used
> for person to person traffic if they were willing to invest the effort. But for that 
>aplication, I
> would rather use RC4 -- it is faster and easier to use.
> >
> >
> >
> > I claim that the military could use OAP-L3 effectively.  For
> > instance, the U.S. Navy could use it to encrypt communications to
> > the entire fleet.
> (data only? or data+voice?)
> > How many megabytes / gigabytes of data do you
> > suppose the entire Navy transmits to its fleet each day?
> Alot of data.  Given a desire not to have a compromised key the navy would need at 
>least one
> fulltime key generator to keep everyone in keys using your system, or they would 
>need  one person
> for an hour each week generating RC4 keys , and available the remainder of the week 
>-- which should
> they prefer?
> >
> >
> > OAP-L3 is simple.
> Not for the amateur user( unless substantial upgrades to the interface and 
>documentantion have been
> made in the past month)
> >  And the security benefits outweigh your other
> > concerns which are of greatest concern in this first implementation.
> > They come down to generating the OTP files beforehand and storing
> > them.  These concerns are easily dealt with.
> Please let me know what measures have been taken to address my concerns in re 
> >
> >
> > And just because you cannot imagine using OAP-L3 effectively does
> > not mean that it cannot be done.
> Of course it can be used securely. Of course it CAN do the job. But I if can pound 
>nails with a
> jagged piece of rusty steel, does that make a jagged piece of rusty steel the ideal 
>tool for that
> job? No. The same goes for OAP/OAR.It can do the job, but it is a poor tool for that 
> > You will admit you have no
> > interest in solving your issues with OAP-L3.
> Just as I would have no interest in repairing a car that has gone through a crusher 
>-- the return
> on investment isn't worth it. But as a customer, it is NOT my job to fix OAP-L3, it 
>is your job to
> resolve customer issues.  If I buy a program with an unusable interface is it my job 
>to fix that?
> Or if it cannot meet the marketing claims made for it must I fix it?
> > So since you have
> > not thought about how to solve these issues for yourself, why should
> > anyone listen to you:  someone who chooses not to think
> > yet make cursory superficial claims which I say again are easily
> > dealt with?
> >
> Given that I have discussed these issues with you in the past, and further that I 
>have examined
> your program in deatil and the mechanisms with which it attempts to provide 
>security, and that I
> have seen other programs in action doing the same thing as well if not better than 
>your product,
> where have I not been diligent?  Have you addressed any of my claims in anything 
>other than a
> superficial manner?
> >
> > Why don't you just say you want to trash OAP-L3 and don't care to
> > support your position other than to give vague and general
> > statements with no specific situations.
> I see only that you respond to rational arguments with diversions and half truths.
> >
> >
> > Give us your biggest objection to OAP-L3 with a proposed use where
> > it would not be effective or where it would be less effective?
> Sure -- e-mail.  Compare it to PGP. It costs more, offers security that is at best 
>equivalent, is
> more easily compromised, is harder to use, harder to change keys with, has been 
>subject to
> substantially less analisys, is slower, offers fewer features, and offers less 
>technical support
> for the begining user. Certianly it COULD be used for that aplication, but PGP has 
>it beat.
> Or alternatively secure web transactions-- compare it to RC4 as a SSL cypher.
> Or for securing local files -- comapre it to a block cypher or RC4 with a 
>memorizable key.
> > And
> > how many people need this capability?
> I am not certian -- I'd say most of us who use crypto.
> >
> >
> > Perhaps Internet backbone service providers who wish to encrypt and
> > transmit terabytes of data per hour might find OAP-L3 unacceptable.
> Most certianly.
> >
> > But how many users need to encrypt and transmit terabytes or even
> > gigabytes each hour through one server or portal?
> Not many.
> >
> >
> > I say again, you are overreaching to maintain your mostly untenable
> > and insupportable position.
> Ditto.

Again, let me thank you for taking so much time and effort in your

I am short of time now and for the near term.

"your method thends to need more keying data to achive a given
level of entropy..."  First I would like to say that OAP-L3 can 
match any level of entropy attainable by any other form of 
encryption, and can approach as closely as the user likes truly 
random entropy.

One may choose to take the time and make the effort (both 
reasonable) knowing that there are no inherent constraints in 
the random number generation process therefore the security of 
the software is solely due to the random key length.  There is 
no hope of factoring prime numbers for instance, there is no 
modulo 128 constraint, there is nothing that can be used to 
attack the process except brute force.  (see below)

"Your method possesses numerous weak keys..."  If you use the 
software according to minimal recommendations you will always 
generate exceptionally strong keys.

"Assuming that you learn that your key is compromised, ..."  When 
you generate your original key I recommend you (essentially /
effectively) continue to generate many many more keys so if you 
need another key you have one ready to go.

" an employer would you rather have your employee spend 30 
minutes focused on a rekey every keying cycle..."  You only need 
one keying cycle.  Think ahead and estimate your greatest possible 
encryption needs and generate this much random data.  Then you might
want to then triple this amount and store the other two different 
sets of data in two different locations, etc. for security reasons.

Let's say someone steals one of these sets of CDs.  I claim that 
these stolen CDs cannot be used to generate any random data found 
on the secure CDs using the current implementation and any proposed
implementations.  (see below)

I will have to end it here with this last point:

"Where is your proof of security?"  I will restrict my answer to the
generation of the random numbers on a stand alone machine (assuming) 
in a secure location.  (We could go on endlessly on how spies or 
moles can get at your keys, especially if you are as stupid as 
Security is at Los Alamos.)

Let me take one process because one is representative of the others. 
First of all you need random user input.  It is recommended that you
shuffle a deck of cards with 56 cards in it to get four random 
sequences of the numbers 1 - 14.  Or you can use numbered beans 
shaken in a bottle and withdrawn one by one for these sequences.  
Etc.  (see Help Files at  These and similar
random processes will generate the random user input.

This one of several processes, will sequentially divide the 
3,628,800 unique ten digit permutations of the digits 0 - 9 (the
original encryption data file) into 14 files of 259,200 
permutations each.

The permutations in each of these 14 files will be shuffled together 
one permutation from each file at a time according to the random 14
number user input sequence thus generating a now reordered 
permutation file of the original 3,628,800 unique permutations.

This process can be repeated using another randomly generated 14 
number sequence any number of times using this particular process 
or one of several others that are equally inherently unbiased to
generate a subsequently reordered encryption data file.

There are 3,628,800! (factorial) possible orderings of this 
encryption data file.  Three thoroughly different ones are used in 
the current implementation to generate random numbers.  (see Help 
Files)  Therefore there are (3,628,800!)^3 possible orderings of 
three such files.

The generated random numbers are then further shuffled to generate 
subsequently reordered random number files, etc.  (see Help Files 
for exact processes, etc.)

The security of OAP-L3 comes from the fact that it does not take 
very many random user input sequences used in very many of the 
possible processes to make duplication of the final OTP files of 
random numbers practicably impossible to duplicate.

Furthermore, even if someone were to gain a significant portion of 
the random numbers generated, it would not be possible to duplicate 
the unknown random numbers because without the original key of 
random user input sequences and the processes used and the order 
in which they were used could anyone determine them since the 
final OTP random numbers are essentially the product of a one way 
series of processes with the known random numbers not providing you
with sufficient information to generate the original key.

All of this is explained in the Help Files.

See you all in a month or three.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Brown)
Subject: Re: The quick brown fox...
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 09:11:41 GMT

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Benjamin Goldberg wrote:
> > Justly vexed, the Queen exiled the calligrapher who spattered some
> > black ink on her dog.
> This one isn't a pangram, there's no "z" in it!
Many thanks, now amended to:
  Justly vexed, the Queen exiled the calligrapher who spattered some
  black ink on her dozing dog.
Additional pangrams still wanted.
M J D Brown: Newhaven, Peterchurch, Herefordshire HR2 0RT, England



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