Cryptography-Digest Digest #421, Volume #13       Thu, 4 Jan 01 20:13:00 EST

  Quadratic Residuosity Problem ("Medvedev Michael")
  Re: Quadratic Residuosity Problem ("Medvedev Michael")
  Re: computing RSA keys ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Multi-precision arithmetic in C (was AES in optimized x86 assembler?) (Paul 
  Re: Quadratic Residuosity Problem (Bryan Olson)
  Re: Cryptanalysis Recomendations ("John E. Gwyn")
  Padding ? (Mykhailo Lyubich)
  Re: unique codes ("John E. Gwyn")
  Re: NSA and Linux Security ("John E. Gwyn")
  Re: Quadratic Residuosity Problem ("Matt Timmermans")
  Comparison of ECDLP vs. DLP ("Martin Hamann")
  Re: Crypt-X. ("Paul Pires")
  Re: ---- Which comes first? Posting or the Egg? (Greggy)
  Norway Maple MANNA haven for aphids ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Simple Sublimibimbimal Exercise (Tim Olson)
  Re: Multi-precision arithmetic in C (was AES in optimized x86 assembler?) ("Joseph 
  Re: random seed ("Joseph Ashwood")
  NSA site kids' page ("John E. Gwyn")


From: "Medvedev Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Quadratic Residuosity Problem
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 23:09:23 +0200

You see, this idea came to me earlier than I wrote here.

But if my X is encoded: X^2 = Y (mod n), (n = p * q  - multiplication of
prime numbers) I don't know the other three square roots ( because I havn't
p and q). So I cannot arrange square roots in increasing order. Of course,
if I know that my X is x2, for example, then I could encode X01 and send it.

Ok, the question is: if I encoded X and get Y, let x1 < x2 < x3 < x4 - are
square roots of Y (remember, n = p * q, so we have 4 roots). WHICH of these
xi is my X?


I am Allice. My message is 7
I encode it with module 15 (for example): 7^2 (mod 15) = 4 and sends it to
Bob. I don't know p, q so I cannot find other square roots of 4 by module

Bob gets 4 (knowing p=3, q=5) The square roots of 4 with module 15 are: 2,
7, 8, 13.
Bob doesn't know what was Allice's number.

If Allice knew that her message 7 is second value in sequence 2, 7, 8, 13
then she would send not 4 = 100 but 10001 (the last two bits are 00 if it's
the minimum square root and 11 if maximum, in our case Allice must add 01 -
the second value in sequence). BUT ALLICE DOESN'T KNOW ALL THE SEQUENCE 2,
7, 8, 13. She could, if she had p, q (to factor the number n is unsolved
problem nowerdays).

Thank you.


From: "Medvedev Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Quadratic Residuosity Problem
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 23:14:44 +0200

No, 12 is not a product of two primes!!!

Bob Silverman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> сообщил в новостях
следующее:932nda$v2r$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In article <932l88$mls$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   "Medvedev Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi everybody!
> >
> > I would like to find out, is it possible to decrease redundancy in
> Rabin
> > public - key encryption?
> <snip>  Let one of the primes be 3 mod 8, the other -1 mod 8.
> Look at the message mod 12....
> --
> Bob Silverman
> "You can lead a horse's ass to knowledge, but you can't make him think"
> Sent via


Subject: Re: computing RSA keys
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 21:14:24 GMT

In article <932ki7$27n$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh) wrote:
> In <92u04j$ju$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >If e is 3, I'd think one could simply add the public modulo (pq)
> >you find a total which can be cube-rooted evenly. I suppose there
> Uh, you have to add about (pq)^2  of them, assuming that the number
> you are cubing is of the same size as pq ( an absolute requirement).
> This is  even more expensive a break method than is factoring!

Oh.... Never mind...


Sent via


From: Paul Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Multi-precision arithmetic in C (was AES in optimized x86 assembler?)
Date: 04 Jan 2001 13:28:58 -0800

David Hopwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> unsigned long long still does not allow direct 32 x 32 -> 64 or
> 64 x 64 -> 128 bit multiplications, either of which will be more efficient
> than 64 x 64 -> 64.

Are there any computers with 64*64->128 multiplication hardware?


From: Bryan Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Quadratic Residuosity Problem
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 21:55:13 GMT

> Bob Silverman  wrote:

> > <snip>  Let one of the primes be 3 mod 8, the other -1 mod 8.
> > Look at the message mod 12....

Medvedev Michael" responded:
> No, 12 is not a product of two primes!!!

You mis-read Bob's suggestion.  Choose your two primes so
that one of them is congruent to 3 modulo 8, and the other
is congruent to 7 modulo 8.

For details, look up Rabin-Williams, perhaps in HAC at:


Sent via


From: "John E. Gwyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cryptanalysis Recomendations
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 16:34:12 -0600

"John A. Malley" wrote:
> "Military Cryptanalytics, Part I Vol 1, Part I Vol 2, Part II Vol 1,
> Part II Vol 2"

That is the standard for cryptanalytic training.
Although these volumes predate DES, RSA, etc. much
of what they teach remains relevant in real-world
cryptanalysis.  For example: chaining, depth, IC.
These texts don't use advanced mathematics, which
was also a requirement of the original poster.

In addition to a thorough grounding in the basic
principles of C/A, obtainable through diligent
study and practice using the above texts, for C/A
of modern block and nonsymmetric systems one needs
to acquire some more advanced mathematical skills.


From: Mykhailo Lyubich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Padding ?
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 23:39:04 +0100


What is:
"This algorithm uses outer CBC for triple DES. Input data is padded using the ISO
9797 method 1
(I know what the DES in CBC mode and padding are,
but I have not any idea about "ISO 9797 method 1 scheme".)

Mykhailo Lyubich


From: "John E. Gwyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: unique codes
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 16:39:18 -0600

Eric Mosley wrote:
> Now, I need to generate unique codes like that!

A simple method is to private key-encrypt a text like:
        Valid 012345
where 012345 is a counter that is different for each
claim code.  The claim code can be decrypted and
tested for authenticity by anyone, using the corresponding
public key, but only the private key holder can
efficiently create a new claim code.


From: "John E. Gwyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NSA and Linux Security
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 16:47:24 -0600

Stephan Eisvogel wrote:
> 4. Selinux is the best attempt so far to rid Un*x-like systems from
> the big drawback of having almighty powers as 'root'. There are
> other approaches like LIDS, sudo or the evil suid-bits, but they
> all do not separate policy from enforcement (i.e. once God, laws no
> longer apply to you).

No, actually there have been quite a few UNIX-derived systems that
do not have such a property.  Plan 9 from Bell Labs is pretty good
on that score; in its intended configuration services are assembled
on a per-"user" basis with every request being vetted by an
authentication server, all the way down to the low-level protocols.


From: "Matt Timmermans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Quadratic Residuosity Problem
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 17:33:11 -0500
Reply-To: "Matt Timmermans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would use SHA(M)+M.  If you have a 2048 bit key, that's only 8% overhead.

Medvedev Michael wrote:
> As a rule, if Allice wants to encrypt message M, she duplicates
> the message and encrypts X = MM. So Bob must finds out, which xi is
> duplicated.
> Is it possible not to duplicate M, but to add 1 bit or 2 bits or some bits
> of information to the message (the MINIMUM number of information)?


From: "Martin Hamann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Comparison of ECDLP vs. DLP
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 23:15:35 +0100
Reply-To: "Martin Hamann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm looking for at comparison of the stregths in a Elliptic Curve DLP and a
DLP in Zp*. I have seen a table stating which keysizes roughly offer the
same strength, for example 2^106 in ECDLP roughly equals 2^512 in "normal"
DLP. I believe it is taken directly from a book or article, which I cannot

I need it for at discussion of why ECDSA is 'better' than DSA.

Can you point me to some references to this ? Any comments are appreciated

Thanks and regards,
Martin Hamann, Student,
Technical University of Denmark.


From: "Paul Pires" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: sci.crypt.random-numbers
Subject: Re: Crypt-X.
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 15:33:17 -0800

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:932cli$kfc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> There is an Australian software package called 'Crypt-X', for
> testing both stream ciphers and block ciphers.
> ( )
> Does anyone know more about this, and when testing a RNG, does
> this offer more than 'Diehard' ?

I am not familiar with it but I cross-posted this to sci.crypt.random-numbers
Maybe a lurker there will tell. I went to the site thinking to scope it out
but the 600 Australian Dollars per seat was a little rich for me.


> Thanks,
> Rudy.
> Sent via

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From: Greggy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ---- Which comes first? Posting or the Egg?
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 23:36:03 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Paul Pires" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve Portly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> >
> > Greggy wrote:
> >
> > > In article <91uvb8$m3a$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > >   Greggy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <Snip>
> > Well if you posted the source code for a strong algorithm to this
> > it would probably get buried quite quickly.  There are enough people
> > selling commercial products here that would love to take on any
> > competition.  Besides a lot of the best ciphers were written years
> > What programmer if asked to write a strong cipher would not think up
> > something like the old four in one cipher on their own?  Unless you
> > done a patent search chances are good that your cipher has been
thought of
> > before and posting it in a public forum may be disclosing someone
> > trade secrets.
> I hate to nit pick here but.....
> If it is patented it is public. You cannot further disclose something
that is
> by definition, "disclosed".

Also, if it is publicly available from the patent office, then it is
considered published as well.

But my question is, does anyone know if I am missing something?  Can I
merely make my elliptic curve cryptosystem available in paper form for
a small cost and then publish it on the internet from my web site?  Or
is my cryptosystem still require the BXA review and paper work?

> Trade secrets only control those who have a contractual obligation not
> to disclose or for information that was obtained illegaly. If you
obtain the
> "secret information" throught some independent process such as re-
> it, then there is no justifiable leagal action someone can take
against you for
> disclosing it any way you see fit. You should avoid coincedences
> If you are under non disclosure with someone, serious thought should
> given to disclosing their information regardless of any
> independent provenance you might have for it.
> They can bluster and puff "RSA-PKP" ala RC-4 But there isn't a legal
basis for
> pestering you in any way.
> Not a lawyer, disclaimer ad-nauseum.
> Paul
> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----==  Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----

I prefer my fourth amendment rights over a dope free
society, even if the latter could actually be achieved.
Al Gore and the Florida Robes - More than just another rock group;
a clear and present danger to America's national security.

Sent via


Crossposted-To: sci.geo.earthquakes,alt.fluid-dynamics,alt.sci.astro.eclipses
Subject: Norway Maple MANNA haven for aphids
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 00:22:16 GMT

Correction here:

The Norway Maple is NOT A. Saccharinum,

but called "Platanoides" or "King Crimson".

It secrets a milky substance that seems to attract aphids in cosmic

The Norway Maple groves actually RAIN honeydew, the sweet cakes that
fed the Israelites in the Desert, thanks to Moses, patron saint of
insects perhaps?

The Gall Mites [aphids] create huge SPINDLES on the leafs, etc. of the
Norway Maple, so your parallel with mitotic spindles in cell wall and
insulin ATP AMP adenylate cyclase processes is not so far fetched.
This same concept is used in cloning and human cloning experiments.

I'm so happy we are having a truly energizing debate here, and not
something saccharine.

B. Traven  [aka "Bee"]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >
> > Re: Comets, Meteors, and Mitotic Spindles
> >
> > Yes, you are quite correct!
> >
> > Asteroids are NOT composed of the same "matter" as meteors or
> >
> > The meteors that hit Austria long ago created the salt mines that
> > to the naming of Salzburg.
> Meteors created salt mines?  I guess that's why the old Leslie salt
> containers used to have the motto, "when it rain, it pours!"  (meteor
> shower, that is!)
>   And that big big big meteor
> Sounds like you're talking about a big big BIG meteor, here!
>  redefined
> > Celtic Germany that hit Reis [Bavaria] and Steinheim [Nord-Rhein
> > Westphalen] some time ago.
> Celts, in Germany??  "Ja! Schnel mit das "Harp lager", Javohl!"
> >
> > The Rugieri Tribe of the Bodden Strait DID survive the blast
> > and the Rugen Islands still exhibit massive chalk cliffs and
> > sea dolomite formations that provided shelter for the survivors.
> What? Did they burrow into them in a hurry to survive?
> >
> > Norway suffered very dearly and has such spindly and ropey and
> > rather than hard wooded trees, as a result [I believe the Beatles
> > alluding to this in NORWEGIAN WOOD].
> Just as they were talking about AT&T in the song that goes,
> "Michelle...Ma Bell*..."
> Seriously. You think this type of tree species developed because of a
> meteor strike?
>   The Norwegian Maple, a very soft
> > tree, is now called A. Saccharinum, ... perhaps named after a star
> > somewhere, or even a long forgotten asteroid.
> "Saccharinum" seems more likely to have been based on the Latin word
> "sweet".  Since it's a maple, maybe it produces a good quality maple
> syrup.
> >
> > You forgot to mention that boron is often found in meteorites, and
> > in asteroid debris.
> >
> > Of course, moldavite comes from meteors, and not asteroids.
> I thought it came from Moldavia!
> >
> > Wasn't ancient Cambodia blasted by a meteor too? [Muong Nong?]
> >
> > I believe "corundum" comes from asteroids, aka sapphire, named
> > Saphos.  It is a soapy crystalline substance ... at bottom, when
> > diligently tested, as if a diamond.
> >
> > Wasn't 'Sapphira' another name for Aster in the time of the Moabs?
> That I don't recall, although I do remember Sapphire was living with
> Kingfish' somewhere in Harlem.
> >
> > I never heard of mitotic spindles being an element of asteroids or
> > asters, but I'm familiar with the penicillium called griseofulvin,
> > uses mitotic spindles, microtubles, and interferes with cell wall
> > components and chemistry.
> >
> > Who will win this debate over asteroidal supremecy or meteoric
> > mastery?  The Vatican or the Smithsonian?  Isn't it quite exciting!
> >
> > Chemosh
> The Vatican has more money than the Smithsonian, but the Smithsonian
> definately has has more asteroids than the Vatican!
> >
> _________________
>               *BEATLES SONG FROM 9000 B.C.
>                to the tune of:  "A Girl"
>  Is there anybody going to listen to my story
>  Of a meteorite that came to stay?
>  Its was the kind of met-e-or that kind of made you sor-ry
>  Hope it won't come back this Saturday!
>       CHORUS
>  A hole... (h-o-l-e!),  (That's all that's left...
>         A hole,  (h-o-l-e..)
> It wasn't good for Germany it blasted thru it
> All the suerkraut was blown away!
> It decimated Denmark and what's next to it
> And littered cheese all up & down Norway
>  A hole   (h-o-l-e!)   (That's all that's left...
>        A  hole,  (h-o-l-e..)
> Whatever it was, meteor, asteroid, or bolide,
> it seems to have created crystals, salt, and gems.
> Ah! Isn't it too bad that it also flattened Paris
> and vaporized the water in the Thames?
>       CHORUS, Etc. etc.
> .
> .
> > In article <92tlpd$nnn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > RE:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > The Feb 2001 SKY & TELESCOPE magazine published a story by the
> > > astronomer Guy Consolmagno titled "The Story of Space Rocks".
> > >
> > > He was none too pleased with the recent Smithsonian Press book
> > > called "Asteroids: A History".
> > >
> > > Myself, I always thought it was clear to all schoolchildren that
> > > asteroids are lava chunks spewed out by volcanoes here on Earth
> > > elsewhere, that fly out of the planet's orbit into space.
> > >
> > > Meteors have parts iron and parts silicon.  Asteroids have next
to no
> > > iron.  When meteors slam into earth they cause a thermonuclear
> > > explosion and leave much melted glass [tektites], and large salt
> > domes.
> > >
> > > To wit:  Marquez Dome of Texas; the Upheaval Dome of Moab, UT;
> > > Ayers Rock region of Australia; the Serpent Mound of Ohio, USA;
> > > Libyan Desert; the Barringer Crater of AZ; and the underwater
> > of
> > > the Barents Sea [the most salty ocean].
> > >
> > > The volcanic underwater mountain ridges of the Azores are
> > > as are the Pacific Fire Rim underwater mountain ranges; the whole
> > > of Hawaii; most of Icelandic quarters; the Mauritius Island
> > archepilago
> > > in the African Indian Ocean; et al.
> > >
> > > These asteroidal volcanic areas seem to be seldom, if ever,
> > > by comets or meteors.  Why?
> > >
> > > Could Signor Consolmagno please explain this remarkable
> > >
> > > Could it go back to the arguments of the ancient Ammonites,
> > they
> > > were turned to pillars of salt [Lot was one of their people],
> > > concern the difference between asters and astrals?
> > >
> > > An aster is a fake star and not genuine.  It is also the name of
> > > tubular flowers, tulip like, in China.
> > >
> > > An astral is a real star and has a genuine mitotic and meitotic
> > > component.
> > >
> > > An aster has a spurious radial arrangement around a spindle-like
> > > mitotic and meiotic cyst.
> > >
> > > Hope this stimulates debate.
> > >
> > > M. Moroni
> > >
> > > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > >   "Roy Sharif M. Sison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > A new earthquake just struck Southern Philippines a few moments
> > > > It's either a new quake or a strong shock after the M7.2
> > > quake
> > > > yesterday afternoon.> > Thanks.
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > >
> > > > Roy
> > > >
> >
> > >
> >
> > Sent via
> >

Sent via


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Olson)
Subject: Re: Simple Sublimibimbimal Exercise
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 18:36:17 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mok-Kong Shen

| I am unable to discern the hidden content you claimed but I 
| am also not sure whether your scheme passes as steganography, 
| since it seems to be simply a sequence of symbols (the white 
| ones) in a particular alphabet which can also be an encryption 
| in the normal sense. Another quesiton: Could your scheme be
| sensitive to the quality of the monitor that displays the 
| picture?

The technique uses text that is just a slightly different color from the
background (both close to black).  If you remap the colors, you can see
the text clearly:

   see <>


     -- Tim Olson


From: "Joseph Ashwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Multi-precision arithmetic in C (was AES in optimized x86 assembler?)
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 15:19:44 -0800

"Paul Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> David Hopwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > unsigned long long still does not allow direct 32 x 32 -> 64 or
> > 64 x 64 -> 128 bit multiplications, either of which will be more
> > than 64 x 64 -> 64.
> Are there any computers with 64*64->128 multiplication hardware?

Actually the Alpha processor has it, however the registers are only 64-bits
so they must be accessed using additional instructions. Someplace I actually
have the assembly code to multiply 2 64-bit integers to get a 128-bit result
in 3 instructions. It was part of a multiprecision library that may or may
not have made it out the front door of DEC.


From: "Joseph Ashwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: random seed
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 15:28:13 -0800

Well the generally recommended standby is to use the timing of something
almost predictable (although the more unpredictable the better). For example
there are some people whose apparent iq seems to change quite rapidly on
this newsgroup. However for something much more reasonable take drive
chatter, it is fairly difficult to gather, and quite slow, but you can get
reasonably random number out of it. You could also spawn a few thousand
threads and use their timings to deliver the random numbers. Of course if
it's to be run on the correct machine, you could simply call the hardware
RNG that intel has placed on some of their boards, but that might be too
easy. If none of these work for you, have a look at the Yarrow paper
( it goes into great detail on making a good software
random number generator.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:932n5v$uno$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi, any ones knows how to generate a random seed to use
> with ElGamal algorithm.
> I'm writting a program that encrypts data using this
> algorithm under NT 4.0. But I have no idea how to
> generate a real random number to seed the algorithm.
> thanks
> Jorge
> Sent via


From: "John E. Gwyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NSA site kids' page
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 18:42:55 -0600

The NSA Web site now has a kid's page that is
pretty nice, especially in not treating kids the same as morons.



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End of Cryptography-Digest Digest

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